Monday, December 30, 2013

DECEMBER LEA 6 Review by Victoria Lenoirre

Hey UWA art enthusiasts!

This wonderful month of December on the LEA 6 Full sim is a creation by Giovanna Cerise, Fisicofollia. It opened to the public on December 16th at 1:30pm SLT.

Her work this month is completely abstract. 
Fisicofallia landing area

Fisicofollia refers in a free way to the futurist theater and especially to the futuristic setting, drawn by Prampolini, Balla, Depero and of course Marinetti.

It is designed as a multi-dimensional performance space, in which light and shadow, color and movement are the protagonists. The scene expands to create a multiplicity of perspectives in a continuous emotional tension.

Lines, planes, shapes and colors combine alluding to an invention related to childhood and madness.

The visitor can interact with the environment simply going through it, resulting in different visual impressions. It is recommended to activate the sound, to catch even the auditory sensations in the scene.

I looked up the names (on wikipedia) and here are brief facts about the artists Giovanna mentioned: 

Enrico Prampolini was a futuristic artist from Italy.  His style of painting is semi-abstract to full abstract and he worked in the field of stage design. 

Giacomo Balla was an Italian artist whose work was Futuristic. His pictures capture light, movement, and speed.

Fortunato Depero was a Italian futuristic artist who created toys, tapestries and furniture. 

Filippo Tommasso Marinetti wrote the Futurist Manifesto. Marinetti said  "Art, in fact, can be nothing but violence, cruelty, and injustice." 

To view this sim I found it helpful to cam out, making sure my draw distance was set to 400m or so. If your computer can take it, extend it all the way to 1024 m. Panning your camera view around is also a great way to experience this sim. 

As you walk around, what do you notice about your environment? 

Please do remember to allow sound to play. How does the sound make you feel? The sound was like a dull drumming noise like the beating of a heart or the beating of a drum. There would be a few beats, a pause, then the beating would resume and so on. 

I notice the many shapes, textures and colors scattered all about the sim. The arrangements show movement. You can see light. There is height, magnitude, and magnificence around you when you visit. The odd green could portray how insane persons have a different sense of color than the sane persons. 

This build must have taken a lot of time. Do you see a lot of stairs? I think this sim is full of possibilities and potential...those that are in our own lives. We move along as life moves us. Each year brings new advances in technology and medicine as well as new disadvantages. Are you ready for it or will it make you go crazy?

I think I see mountains, those white jagged structures. You can walk through everything. I think this shows that nothing is impossible to overcome or get through. Our minds are where doubts about the future come from. We can be our own weakness or our own strength. The future is ours. It is up to us what we do in the days and years ahead.

Happy New Year everyone! This is a most fitting masterpiece to get us to consider the future.

Come see it now at LEA 6!

Have fun and enjoy the art!

Victoria Lenoirre

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Tutsy, Erythro & Vilvi Top Machinima Section of WD Sci Fi Challenge

The Machinima portion of the inaugural WD Project: Sci-Fi Film Challenge (Australia) 2013 saw some amazing works come in from some of the finest machinima creators on the planet, but once again, the sublime Tutsy Navarathna, took top spot (AUD 750) with his  remarkable 'The Residents', a machinima exploring worlds upon worlds. Erythro Asimov's 'Looking Around' won out in a close battle over Vilvi Rae's 'Re:Vive' and Fuchsia Nightfire & Blindboy Bumbo's 'Growing Robots' for 1st, 2nd and 3rd runners-up, with AvaJean Westland's 'Centuries Past', rounding out the top 5. AvaJean also won the UWA Centum Special Prize along with Glasz DeCuir's 'Misgiving'. Arrival by Cinestudios was adjudged the best film overall taking out the AUD3,000 top prize. A Full list of winners can be seen on the Screen My Shorts Facebook site. This challenge comes to us curtesy of WD (S.E. Asia Ltd) and Screen My Shorts Inc. in association with UWA for the machinima position of the challenge.


ERYTHRO ASIMOV'S 'Looking Around'





Sunday, December 15, 2013

LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES (DEC): Giovanna Cerise & Fisicofollia

The Dec round of the LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES sees Giovanna Cerise bringing us 'Fisicofollia'.  A full list of the Series 3 offerings for the LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES can be found on the blog: LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES (click here for full year schedule).

GRAND OPENING: Monday, 16th Dec @ 1.30 pm SLT

"Fisicofollia" by Giovanna Cerise :

Fisicofollia refers in a free way to the futurist theater and especially to the futuristic setting, drawn by Prampolini, Balla, Depero and of course Marinetti.

It is designed as a multi-dimensional performance space, in which light and shadow, color and movement are the protagonists. The scene expands to create a multiplicity of perspectives in a continuous emotional tension.

Lines, planes, shapes and colors combine alluding to an invention related to childhood and madness.

The visitor can interact with the environment simply going through it, resulting in different visual impressions. It is recommended to activate the sound, to catch even the auditory sensations in the scene.


Monday, 16th December 1.30 pm slt.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A UWA 3D Creation Challenge: What Makes Us Human (L$268K Prize Pool)

A UWA 3D Creation Challenge:
What Makes us Human?

UWA Encourages you to Create a Model, Animation, or Simulation that reflects What Makes Us Human at a Cellular, Organ or System Level

December 1st 2013 – February 28th 2014

Prize pool: L$268,750

Open to Everyone

You be the teacher!
Models that simulate and models that stimulate! Your models can be interactive!Imagine riding a blood corpuscle through a three storey high heart, watching from “inside” the brain as an aneurysm bursts (a “stroke”).

“What Makes Us Human?” is an event run by UWA and sponsored by the School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology as well as the School of Physics. We encourage you to create a model, animation or simulation that reflects what makes us human at a cellular, organ, or system level. We encourage you to create fairly accurate or representative creations or models that can be used for teaching. The aim is to enable others to learn anatomical, histological, developmental and/or physiological concepts about the human body from your work.

Entries can be submitted anytime between the 1st of December 2013 and the 28th of February 2014. Entries should have no more than 300 prims. There is no limit on the number of entries you can submit. Entries will be displayed at the UWA Virtual Gallery.

Fill out the Creator's Notecard form (available from the entry drop box, or create a new notecard with your name, the title and description of your entry, a bried bio (optional) and your rl city location (optional)) and include it with your entry. Be sure to include your name and the name of your entry in the filename of the notecard.

Place the model in the contest entry receiver at UWA Gallery HERE
  • Select your item from inventory while holding down the CTRL key
  • Drag the file from your inventory to the contest entry billboard prim.
  • The outline of the billboard should turn red. You may then release your mouse button and your entry will be deposited. 
  • Do the same with your Creator's Notecard. 
  • Mod/copy perms are appreciated, so entries can be displayed via temporary rezzers. This will allow for a greater number of prims/land impact for individual entries, if mod is not possible copy is adequate
If you have problems with the receiver drop the model into the inventory of FreeWee Ling (UWA Curator of Arts) or Jayjay Zifanwe (Jay Jay Jegathesan: UWA in Second Life Founder & Lead) along with a note card stating the name of the model/animation/simulation and the creator.

Histology (convey the microscopic structure of human tissues)
Nervous System: What are the various representations of different types of neurons?
Integumentary System: What are the structural differences between the layers of epidermis (skin)?
Muscular System: Examine structural differences and/or similarities between skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle cells.

Anatomy (convey the gross structure of human body parts) & Histology
Embryology & Foetology: What are various stages of embryonic and foetal development? Perhaps look at the transformation from embryo to foetus.

Skeletal System: What are the components of the human skeleton?
Present the anatomy of various types of joints.

Physiology (convey the processes that enable the human body and its components to function):
Nervous System: What are some of the neural pathways that enable us to perform day to day cognitive and motor functions?
Circulatory System: How does blood circulate through our body to meet the metabolic needs and maintain the normal function of cells/organs/and bodily systems.

Anatomy & Physiology
Circulatory System: How does the heart operate, and what are its different chambers and valves?

Histology, anatomy, and physiology are disciplines that go hand in hand. It is only natural that you may construct entries that draw on more than one of these disciplines in order to facilitate the learning of concepts.

Furthermore, you could also think outside the box. You can portray/convey the difference between normal features and functioning, and the abnormal or dysfunctional.
Other topics could include representations of anatomy, physiology and histology pertaining to the following systems: Digestive, Endocrine, Exocrine, Immune,  Lymphatic, Reproductive, Respiratory, Urinary, Visual

1st L$81,250 (~$330 USD)
2nd  L$62,500 (~$255 USD)
3rd  L$37,500 (~$150 USD)
4th  L$18,750 (~$75 USD)
5th  L$12,500 (~$50 USD)

Anatomy Special Prize: L$18,750 (~$75 USD)
Histology Special Prize: L$18,750 (~$75 USD)
Physiology Special prize: L$18,750 (~$75 USD)

Total Prize Pool = L$268,750 (~$1,090 USD)
*(Prizes will be awarded in Linden Dollars. US Dollar equivalents are shown for reference.)

Contest Entry Rules (ESSENTIALS):
  • By submitting an entry, you agree to allow the University of Western Australia to use your model/animation/simulation for teaching and learning purposes, and for promotion of UWA's programs.
  • Maximum land impact for any entry is 300. Mod/Copy perms are appreciated so we can rez/remove entries on demand, however, if mod is not possible, copy is appreciated.
  • Size is not technically limited, but may not interfere with other exhibits or activities on the sim. 
  • Script lag, light or particle emitters, or sounds should be confined to the area of the entry.
  • Contact FreeWee Ling, curator, regarding any special requirements such as orientation, media parcels, environmental needs, etc. 
  • We encourage the submission of all-original work. If any component of your entry is the result of rendering work that has originated from another author, whether or not it is under copyright, you must have permission to use it and acknowledge the original author of the component.
Judging Panel:
Professor Stuart Bunt (Anatomy)
Professor Geoff Meyer (Histology)
Assistant Professor Gavin Pinniger (Physiology)
Jay Jay Jegathesan (Founder & Lead - UWA in Second Life)
FreeWee Ling (UWA Second Life Curator & Designer)
Teresa Clune (UWA APHB Contest Administrator)

Cranial nerve models, like the one pictured in the competition poster, can be viewed at the University of Kentucky’s Cranial Nerve Skywalk in Second Life. To teleport there, click HERE.