Professor Lori Landay (L1Aura Loire), Associate Professor of Cultural Studies at Berklee College of Music took 1st Prize in the May Round of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge with a remarkable piece created in the process of filming 'Time Journey' for MachinimUWA III. 'ONE AND FOUR TIMEBOARDS' won out over Aristide (Artee) Despres, whose musical number UNE HORDE DE CORDES (a horde of strings) won 2nd Prize, just beating out 5x8 COMPOUND CUBE by Wizard Gynoid and the Kandinsky inspired TIME AS A HELIX OF SEMI-PRECIOUS STONES by Miso Susanowa, which also won the Tornado Gallery Prize. The Non-Scripted Prize went to SPATIAL by Sledge Roffo, while Lollito Larkham made splash in his very first month in the challenge, winning a record 3 Group Awards between his pieces, THE HUMANICAL FROG and REFACER, gaining direct entry to the Grand Finale in the process.
1st Prize: (L$10,000)
"Thank you very much for this award. I'm thrilled to be a part of the art community in SL, and create art in virtual worlds. I believe what we are doing here with 3d immersive and interactive art is as important and groundbreaking as what Joseph Kosuth and the conceptual artists did with pieces like "One and Three Chairs," on which my piece is based, and installed meticulously according to Kosuth's directions by curator FreeWee Ling. (Plus the extra teleportation script and vortex experience from my machinima "Time Journey" that highlights what we can do only in virtual art!) I hope people enjoyed the experience of the piece and also considered how virtual art connects to the developments in art that have gone before it, and on whose shoulders we necessarily stand, and off which we can teleport" L1Aura Loire
L1Aura's kindergarten twins were nearby and could be heard on voice when the announcements were made.
"My kids were soooo! excited! they were saying: you won first prize! yayy mummy!! one of them was saying, What is the prize? is it those big boots? someone was wearing big boots in front of my avatar. The other one was far from the screen and kind of jumping around. One thought "UWA" was supposed to be "USA" so he corrected me. lol." L1Aura Loire
2nd Prize: (L$7,500)
UNE HORDE DE CORDES by Aristide Despres
"Thank you for the UWA team for this prize that encourages me strongly to keep on going which my little reseach on random sounds. I am specially happy for the winning of Lollito Larkham today ! Lollito is particularly engaged in the creation with Blender, he deserves that totally !" Aristide Despres
3rd Prize: (@L$2,500)
5x8 COMPOUND CUBE by Wizard Gynoid

"I am very happy that this work could expose many people to the wonderful vision of Kandinsky, who saw the world as a beautiful, vibrant and moving space of color and light." Miso Susanowa
Best Non-Scripted Prize : (L$5,000)
SPATIAL by Sledge Roffo
"I'm touched. It means so much...many months of work..and I am honored for the prize. Thanks so much." Sledge Roffo
UTSA Prize: (L$5,000)
DEATH TO PROFIT by Anley Piers
"Thank you for this prize UTSA , I am really surprised and happy for this ^ ^ thx at the UTSA staff , really ; ))" Anley Piers
SL Art Prize: (L$5,000)
BUTTERFLY BALL by Milly Sharple
"I am honoured to receive this prize for my little whimsy - thank you SL Art" Milly Sharple
Odyssey Prize: (L$5,000)
UNCANNY VALLEY by Oberon Onmura
"This piece is a new direction for me. It was really interesting to see how much discussion it created, and how varied were the responses to it. I don't know if this is a direction I'll continue to explore, but it's great to know that there is support for artists trying out new things." Oberon Onmura
Pirats Prize: (L$5,000)
THE REAL COST OF OIL by Toughlove Sabra
"I am amazed at winning, and more amazed at the caliber of artists in the challenge.....I am still in shock....I mean, WOW ..Thanks to all those that make this happen and challenge us all to create...and inspire us to keep creating the most amazing works." Toughlove Sabra
CARP Prize: (L$5,000)
THE HUMANICAL FROG by Lollito Larkham
"I'm so happy ! Allways exciting to attend a contest, but specially here with all those great artist participating. And it's a good reaction to my art piece which i consider a new direction in my work in SL. I must thanks also Artistide Despres for her help in scripting The Humanical Frog" Lollito Larkham
Nordan Art Prize: (L$5,000)
TSUNAMI by Betty Tureaud
BOSL Prize: (L$5,000)
THE HUMANICAL FROG by Lollito Larkham
S&S Gallery OFA Prize (L$5,000)
REFACER by Lollito Larkham
Tornado Gallery (L$5,000)
The Workhouse & Art place d-oo-b Prize (L$5,000)
project Z Prize: (L$5,000)
DANU by Pumpkin Tripsa
Curator's Choice Award (L$5,000):
"Thuds! hahaha... I didnt come here really to try to win...just to be a part of it all ....but it is very very nice to win as well... but thuds is my real reaction...lol" Secret rage
People's Choice Award, 1st Prize: (L$2,500)
BALL by Silene Christen
People's Choice Award, 2nd Prize: (L$1,000)
QUALIX by Luko Enoch
Soror Nishi on Wizrad Gynoid's Full SIM Work
Juanita Daharo on Wizard Gynoid's FULL SIM Work & UWA
AHUVA on Wizard & Miso @ UWA
Honour McMillan on Wizard @ UWA
Lalo Telling on Wizard & Miso @ UWA
Nordan Art Blog on the May Round of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge
Chestnut Rau on MachinimUWA IV
Virtual Outworlding on MachinimUWA IV
For anyone interested in seeing the full text of the announcement by Jayjay Zifanwe, delivered from 6am slt on Sunday, 5th June, it is reproduced as follows:
Greetings everyone, and welcome to the University of Western Australia, or UWA as she is known and also welcome to the MAY round announcement of winners and party for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. As is tradition at UWA, I would like to acknowledge that the University is situated on Nyoongar land and that the Nyoongar people remain the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land and continue to uphold their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge.
This is the 7th of 12 monthly rounds for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. Not so long before it all comes to an end! The first thing I would like to do is to thank and acknowledge the major art houses and groups in Second Life that are part of this Grand Collaboration. These include The University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA) led by Dr Carmen Fies, SL Art led by Gleman Jun & Sunset Quinnel, CARP led by Josina Burgess & Velazquez Bonetto, Pirats Art Network led by Merlina Rokocoko & Newbab Zsigmond, Odyssey led by Fau Ferdinand & Lizsolo Mathilde, BOSL led by Frolic Mills and Editorial Clarity, Nordan Art led by Flora Nordanskiold, S&S Gallery of Fine Art led by TheDove Rhode, The Workhouse Gallery led by Astarte Haalan, Art Place d-oo-b led by Eifachfilm Vacirca, The Tornado Gallery led by Taralyn Gravois, project Z led by Zachh Cale and UWA with Professor Ted Snell, Chair of the Visual Arts Board of the Australia Council for the Arts as Chair of the UWA judging panel.
UWA would also like to acknowledge fellow sponsors, MidnightRain Glas, Philip Vought, Bohemian Ghost and Patch Thibaud.
78 entries were received for the MAY round, spread out across this sim-wide 'Living Gallery'! Was great to see lots of new artists (to the UWA Challenges) in the May round including Cat Carfagno, Delgado Cinquetti, Finn Lanzius, Lollito Larkham, Persephone Requiem, Rory Torrance, spiral silverstar, torno Kohime, Toughlove Sabra, Uman Kesslinger, zany foxtrot and Zeni Rain to name a few.
We have been through 19 monthly rounds since all this started in August 2009 and more than 400 artists have been involved. Through now... only one artist has been part of every single round. None other than the incomparable soror Nishi! Thank you for your amazing support! I have heard she has started geting skilled at Machinima as well, and hopefully we see a soror Nishi entry for MachinumUWA IV.
This L$1,000,000 challenge will see more than L$80,000 being distributed each month, with the Grand Prize winner at the end of it all pocketing a cool L$100,000. The many contributions coming in from everyone through the little donations receiver will this year be put towards special prizes, including the Curator's Choice Award.
It is important to me to also acknowledge everyone who did contribute over the month towards prizes across the year and the Grand Finale. Thank you Lollito Larkham, jumiray Waffle, Gumby Roffo, Sangreal Arnica, Ava Whelan, Milly Sharple, Clovis Luik, Eliza Wierwight, Moeuhane Sandalwood, Armany Thursday, Moll Fitzroy, Hypatia Pickens and alea Rae.
As always I acknowledge the international connections made through SL, and up to now, the various challenges have seen artists, builders and machinimatographers hailing from India, Colombia, Poland, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Ukraine, Taiwan, Hungary, Latvia, Russia, Venezuela, Belgium, Mexico, Wales, Canada, the USA, the UK, Uruguay, Scotland,England, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, France, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Denmark, Holland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Portugal, Austria, Cuba, Serbia, Tunisia, Germany, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. 6 of the 7 continents of the world represented.
At this point I would like for all of you to help me acknowledge the amazing work required to keep all of this going. Curator of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge & Creator of gallery ....... FreeWee Ling.
Do check out the amazing photo gallery she has put together over the months
As always many things happened since the last announcements.
We had Yesikita Coppola's official machinima of the APRIL round winners:
Unfortunately Yesikita will be away the next 2 months and she can't create one for the May and June rounds, but I am very happy to announce that Laslopantomik Yao has kindly agreed to step in for the month of May! For June, I will have to think about what I can do for June, as, umm I dont know many machinimatographers....
We had an incredible 50 entries come in for MachinimUWA III: Journeys, congratulations to the many winners, especially to the Joint-Champions, Eric Boccara and Tutsy Navarathna. Heartfelt thanks also to Peter Greenaway who kindly was the guest speaker of honour on the day. For those of you who missed the happenings, save this link please:
A hard to believe post script to MachinimUWA III happened, and led to me writing the first true article I have ever written on the blog, titled 'The Most Important Thing I have Done in Second Life'. Also the machinima 'Twinkle's Journey' and the '100 Treasures of UWA' book was donated to North Woodvale Primary School in Australia, curtesy of Bay Sweetwater of California. Photos of the handover event to the principal of the school, and the remarkable events associated with it can be found here:
Along with this I encourage you to please listen to this amazing song, 'Emelia Sleeps', by Loveshadow
The UWA RL/SL Photo Comp ( UWA Friends of the Grounds Photo Comp) just close on the 31st of May as well. Results will be known by the end of June. I received the following message from the organizers:
"Finally, I have been able to review all the entries to the competition. I shall paste in as section of the summary I have made. At this stage, I have not seen the images so I cannot say exactly how many are from the virtual world - some are obvious, some suspected and others ... who knows?
Number of entrants:
- 60 (with 240 images) which includes: 13 old friends [ie they submitted last time, too] & 8 recognizably from Second Life
Entries have come in from Perth, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangkalan, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Balearic Islands, Illinois USA. There are quite a few related to the Hail Storm of March 2010 and its aftermath. The virtual Sunken Garden has a good workout - as do the parrots therein! there is also an image of the Winthrop Tower under water."
Actually, its not that it was underwater. Was the first time she saw an image like that. It was actually taken from below the Linden water surface in the reflecting pond looking up at Winthrop Clock Tower! Anyway the organizers have told me that they are keen to ensure that at least ONE second life photo is among those selected as it does represent something different. This will go into an RL calendar for 2012.
For UWA's full sim art series, I thank Wizard Gynoid and the mathematical wonders brought to us throughout the month of MAY. Sacred Geometry, the 'Fractalized Tensegrity Icosahedron' and the like. And we move on to an artist whose work we have not seen in some time. Mostly because shes been working with a mean and demanding taskmaster who has not allowed her any time for her own art to flourish. Very thrilled to say that in a few days, the UWA FULL SIM ART Series will open with the works of FreeWee Ling!
We had also announced over the past month that we were taking the advice we received from a survey sent out to keep the monthly collections together for a longer period, and are thus will be closing entries on the 20th of each month, meaning the full sets of monthly art collections are together for 2 weeks at least. We're still collecting your ideas and impressions about the UWA Challenges. If you haven't yet had a chance to participate in the survey, please save the following link. It will be open for another two weeks perhaps. It shouldnt take more than 5 minutes, and will help me out a great deal. Go to:
AND, I also now officialy launch MachinimUWA IV: Art of the Artists (Series 2)! Ask me for the NC after the announcements, and news will also be up on the UWA blog. For this at present we have a L$230,000 prize pool. The challenge here is to create a machinima that features some (or one) of the artworks submitted to the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. You can choose to film as many (or as few) as you like, and you may submit any number of entries. The theme is wide open, only the subject matter is fixed in that it must have been exhibited at some point for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. This is in a sense a tribute to the wonderful 3D artists who have created all the masterful works that surround you now. A big thank you to the incredible Eliza Wierwight for the challenge logo!
I would like also to acknowledge the members of the UWA judging panel. On the panel were:
1. Professor Ted Snell (RL) - Director, Cultural Precinct, The University of Western Australia
2. John Barret-Lennard (RL) - Curator of the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, UWA
3. Raphaella Nightfire (SL) - Snr Writer Best of SL Magazine, Owner Sanctorum Gallery
4. Len Zuks (RL) - Award Winning West Australian Sculpturist
5. FreeWee Ling (SL) - Curator, UWA 3D Open Art Challenge
6. Laetitia Wilson (RL) - Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts, UWA
7. Lyn DiCiero (RL) - Editor, WA Artist's Chronicle
8. And king of the photocopier machine ...... Yours Truly
Those who followed procedings last year would know that for the Grand Finale, the panel expands to include many SL Art personalities, and for this new challenge, the expanded panel will include:
1. Sasun Steinbeck - Creator of the Art Galleries of SL list at
2. Tayzia Abattoir (SL) Owner of The Oldest Virtual World Art Museum in SL, curator of the Aho Museum & Arts Simulacra on the NMC Campus and Relay For LIfe of SL Event Chair
3. Lumiere Noir (SL) - Creator of the Ivory Tower Library of Primitives
4. Dr. Phylis Johnson (RL) - Media Professor, Southern Illinois Uinversity, Author - Machinima: Aesthetics and Practice (a.k.a, Sonicity Fitzroy, SL Virtual Journalist)
5. Rowan Derryth (SL) - Art & Design Historian; Writer for Prim Perfect Publications
6. Persia Bravin (SL) - Journalist and Media Producer (SL newspapers, magazines, radio and television)
7 Dr Carmen Fies (RL) - Second Life Lead: University of Texas San Antonio & UTSA Artspace
8. Apollo Manga (SL) - examiner.com Writer & Novelist
9. Jordan Whitt (SL) - Editor in Chief, ICON Lifestyle Magazine
10. Mariposa Upshaw (SL) - Curator - Ventura Art & Jardine; Officer, Arts Council of Second Life
11. Saffia Widdershins (SL) - Owner and Editor of Prim Perfect Publications
12. Phillip Vought (SL) - Art Philanthropist & Founding Patron of UWA-BOSL Amphitheatre
13. Bohemian Ghost (SL) - Art Philanthropist & Owner of Summerland Estates
14. Ally Aeon (SL) - Founder Aeonia Artist Group, creator/owner of the art region Aeonia
15. Aino Baar (SL) - Owner of the Open This End Group
Now for the winners. The winners will be announced in 1 minute intervals. We invite everyone to comment and congratulate the winners and for the winners to respond before the next announcement (and if they could please use the SHOUT function).
First the People's Choice Awards. For this, I always start off by thanking GeeJAnn Blackadder, who created this wonderful voting system for us. Its been working a treat since being set up, and greatly assists in the running of the People's Choice!
The People's Choice Award, where all of SL is invited to vote, carries a 1st ($L2,500) and a 2nd prize ($L1,000). A lot of interesting works in the running for the MAY awards, and came down to the final few votes cast!
For the PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD, 2nd prize (L$1,000) goes to:
Qualix by Luko Enoch
Very happy for Luko. I believe this is Luko's first award. Well deserved.
And I am very happy that the following won the this as I could spend hours watching it. The winner of the MAY PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD (L$2,500) is:
BALL by Silene Christen
Very strong in the voting for the People's Choice Award (and in no particular order) were ....... Maryva Mayo's 'Kaleidoscope', Cherry Manga's 'Poetry Elixir', Lollito Larkham's 'HUmanical Frog', Spiral Silverstar's 'Zen Fractalis', Milly Sharple's 'Butterfly Ball', Secret Rage's 'Peace of Mind'. Miso Susanowa's 'Time as a helix of Semi Precious Stones' and Cherry Manga's 'Soul Nourishment'.
TEN Art Group Prizes of L$5,000 each have been awarded by the various judging panels for the MAY Round of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge:
The Odyssey Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Fau Ferdinand & Lizsolo Mathilde goes to
UNCANNY VALLEY by Oberon Onmura
The SL Art Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Gleman Jun & Sunset Quinnell goes to:
BUTTERFLY BALL by Milly Sharple
Said the SL Art committee, "The quality of the textures are so good and she matches different color tones so perfectly. The forms she uses are elegant and different and the movements are soft and amazing"
The UTSA Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Dr Carmen Fies goes to:
DEATH TO PROFIT by Anley Piers
The CARP Prize (L$5,000) whose focus is on scripting with a panel led by Velasquez Bonnetto & Josina Burgess goes to:
THE HUMANICAL FROG by Lollito Larkham
Next the joint Workhouse & Art Place d-o-o-b Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Astarte Haalan and Elfachfilm Vacirca goes to:
The panel said, "are pleased to award the prize for May to Hypatia Pickens for House of Uneasy Chairs. We found this work to be a fresh exploration of the tensions and anxieties of domesticity. The accompanying machinima expressed a profound sense of solitude and yearning. We loved the way this piece interactively combined flat images, sculpture, movement, video, poetry and music. It captures a moment of detachment and doubt we’ve all felt at one time or another"
The BOSL Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Frolic Mills & Editorial Clarity goes to:
THE HUMANICAL FROG by Lollito Larkham
2 Group Prizes for the Humanical Frog, means direct entry to the Grand Finale round!
The Nordan Art Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Flora Nordenskiold:
TSUNAMI by Betty Tureaud
The panel offered "Betty Tureaud's work 'Tsunami' consists of a large transparent green box. The transparent part of the bottom of the box is darker green, making it look like water. In the water there are three large tilted houses moving and floating. Sporadically shooting up from the bottom to the top of the box are white human shapes. Looking at this work, one is struck by the simplicity of it; box, houses and white figures. Yet it soon becomes clear that this seemingly simple creation relays a message of a more complex nature, namely the tragic consequences of the tsunami. Betty's work stands out to Nordan Art because she has succeeded in using a few simple symbols to relay a difficult event. It makes the viewer contemplate this disaster and the devastation and losses that inevitably resulted from it. Betty uses a few basic forms and movements and manages to leave a lasting impression."
The Pirats Prize: (L$5,000) with a panel led by Merlina Rokocoko & Newbab Zsigmond goes to:
THE REAL COST OF OIL by Toughlove Sabra
First time Toughlove has submitted an artwork, and takes the Pirats prize!
The S&S Gallery OFA Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by TheDove Rhode goes to:
REFACER by Lollito Larkham
Said the panel, "Thank you for this amazing piece!! Hands put to a motion not always expressed. Bravo!!"
3 Group awards in the first appearance by Lollito Larkham! Amazing. We hope to see much more from Lollito in coming months.
The Tornado Gallery Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Taralyn Gravois goes to:
A member of the Tornado Gallery panel commented, "This piece immediately caught my eye, and then when I read that it was a reflection of Kandisky, one of my favorite artists, it all made sense. Miso did a great job of making this 3D piece feel like a Kandisky, the colors and movement pull you into the piece just like a Kandisky. Thank you Miso for sharing your talent"
The project Z Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Zachh Cale goes to:
DANU by Pumpkin Tripsa
Next, in FreeWee's words:
"The Curator's Choice serves to highlight and encourage work by artists who show depth of vision, passion, or promise. This month's recipient shows all of these traits. I have watched with interest as this artist's work has grown in quality and sophistication over the last several months. I look forward to seeing what comes next. "
FreeWee Ling's Curator's Choice Award (L$5,000) goes to:
Now for the Best Non-Scripted entry. The MAY round saw furious debate among the UWA panel whose members favoured different works. Normally we settle differences by awarding a joint-prize, but this time the fight went on, and and one side came out on top. And so the winner of the Best Non-Scripted Entry (L$5,000) is:
SPATIAL by Sledge Roffo
stopping Haveit Neox from going back-to-back-to-back in the non-scripted category!
Now for the top 3 Prizes. All of these works will go straight to the Grand Finale round. From what you see in the Group awards, and the great variety there is there every month, one can imagine that its always hard to choose, and May was a particularly difficult month with many many deserving works just missing out.
3rd Prize for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for MAY goes to:
5x8 COMPOUND CUBE by Wizard Gynoid
a small component of the incredible FULL SIM WORK that Wizzy created, and yet standing on its own as well in gaining a top 3 spot with only 100 prims!
HOWEVER, while it may stand on its own, it does NOT stand alone in 3rd place. Exhausted from the long discussions that allowd a single winner for the Non-Scripted category, the panel compromised and awarded a Joint 3rd Prize.
AND joint 3rd Prize (@L$2,500) for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for MAY, goes to:
In the first year of the challenge Miso won numerous awards but did not feature in the Grand Finale. This year, Miso has 3 works in the Grand Finale.
Both 3rd prize winners were also actually very close to 2nd, however we did just manage to avoid all 3 getting 2nd prize, with the next creation just winning out. So, 2nd Prize (L$7,500) for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for MAY goes to:
UNE HORDE DE CORDES by Aristide Despres
Now to the winner of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for MAY, following in the footsteps of past champions Snubnose Genopeak, Glyph Graves, Atomic Gaffer, Fuschia Nightfire/Flivelwitz Alsop, Julez Odigaunt, FreeWee Ling, Bryn Oh, Nish Mip, Josina Burgess, Cherry Manga, Igor Ballyhoo, Suzanne Graves, Lea Supermarine/Jarapanda Snook, Ginger Alsop, Gleman Jun and Dusty Canning.
It is with great pleasure that we announce that the Winner of 1st Prize for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for MAY 2011 is:
Yes, the one and only L1Aura Loire or Professor Lori Landay, Associate Professor of Cultural Studies at Berklee College of Music..... This artwork actually came about because of MachinimUWA III: Journeys, and was an integral part of her Machinima submission, 'Time Journey', which you can see here
Congratulations to all the winners and a big thank you to all the artists who have entered the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. We are officially receiving artworks for JUNE, so please do send in your entries as soon as possible as the entries will close on the 20th of the month in line with the survey feedback we had. And again the survey link is here
A big thanks and welcome back to to our DJ Eifachfilm Vacirca to whom I will be handing the floor, for the "Power Half Hour". 30 minutes of after tunes to enlight your minds and to move your stereo. Please help me look after him everyone. Over to you Eif.