"The Amalgamation of Objects," by Chic Aeon, featuring the art of Shenn Coleman and Rebeca Bashly.
Slartist@UWA - The Amalgamation of Objects
"Staring Into the Aperture," by Veyot featuring the art of FreeWee Ling.
Staring Into the Aperture
All entries can be seen at SLartist. Complete list of entries so far:
- Bryn Oh's Cerulean featuring the artist's own work "The Cerulean"
- Joseph Nussbaum's Alcyon and Ceyx featuring the artwork "A Virtual Wander in Two Dimensions and a Half" by ErikoLeo
- Gerhard Helmut's 3rd Eye Open. Artworks featured are "The Pineal Gland" by artist Ub Yifu, "He Holds Her Heart" by LunaEnigma - Luna Cobain, "Skeleton" by JointVenture Resident and "The Merlion" by Rebecca Bashly
- Isabelle Cheren's Before The World Was Made, featuring the work of artists Noke Yuitza, Otcoc Resident & Phillysmaybe Resident, Peli Dieterle, Igor Ballyhoo, and Rosie Dimanovic
- Suzie Anderton (Inworld Films) Never Say Never, featuring the prize-winning installation by Sharni Azalee
- Chic Aeon's The Amalgamation of Objects, featuring the art of Shenn Coleman and Rebeca Bashly
- Veyot's Staring Into the Aperture, featuring the art of FreeWee Ling
A lot of thank-yous for making this possible:
- LaPiscean Liberty - Slartist Founder & Main Sponsor
- Chantal Harvey - Judging Panel Chair
- Eliza Weirwight - Art/Poster Design
- FreeWee Ling - Filmmaker Liaison
- Singh Albatross (Writers Centre Singapore) - Sponsor