Robin Yaknithou's 'Gift from the Gods' @ UWA |
A wonderful sculpture, 'Gift from the Gods' by Robin Takinthou, first seen at Sculpture by the Sea in Western Australia has been
presented to the University of Western Australia as a gift for her Centenary by the West Australia State Government. The sculpture, presented by the Premier Colin Barnett symbolises humankind's pollution not only of the Earth but also of outer space.
Gift from the Gods @ UWA in SL, assembled by FreeWee Ling of the United States |
With the permission of the artist, his beautiful work has been reassembled outside the Somerville Auditorium on the grounds of the UWA virtual presence in Second Life by UWA Second Life Curator of Arts, FreeWee Ling (D.Newton) of the United States. Anyone wishing to visit the work in the virtual world, can find it
The plaque situated in both worlds |
MachinimUWA VI: Reflections challenge had asked for the inclsion of one of the 3 spaces of reflection at UWA, either, the Reflection Pond, the Sunken Gardens or the Somerville Auditorium. Now with the 'Gift from the Gods' become part of UWA, this had been added to the original 3 for inclusion as part of MachinimUWA VI due to the wondrous reflective qualities of the artwork, which virtual worlds will be hard pressed to show off in its full glory!
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