We will be announcing the Grand Final winners of the UWA 3d Art & Design Challenges on Sunday 10th October, 2010 at a big event in the UWA-BOSL Ampitheatre - more details coming soon. Before then we have a last round of judging and voting...

Grand Final People's Choice:
The public can help choose the People's Choice awards in all the categories via the People's Choice Vote boards.
Where to vote:
Panel judges are supplying their votes directly to Jayjay Zifanwe during September. However, the public can vote via the UWA 3D A&D Imagine & Flagship Grand Final People's Choice boards which will be open from 8th September to 30 September 2010 and are sited on the UWA Winthrop Winners' Platform
The People Choice Awards are sponsored by Bohemian Ghost (Summerland Estates) and by the Residents of Artemesia.
People's Choice (IMAGINE & FLAGSHIP)
1st Prize - L$15,000
2nd Prize - L$7,000
3rd Pize - L$5,000
People's Choice (Non-Scripted)
1st Prize - L$8,000
2nd Prize - L$5,000
3rd Pize - L$3,000
How To Vote:
Pick up a TP HUD from the dispensor at teh landing point on UWA Winthrop Winners' Platform.
Wear the HUD, visit all 4 floors of the Imagine entries and TP using the HUD to the 23 Flagship builds. Return to the Winners' Platform to cast your votes on the boards there.

How to use the vote boards:
1. You can choose only TWO items on EACH of the 3 vote boards.
2. Only ONE VOTE PER ITEM on the board (you cannot give one item more than one vote).
3. Touch the item for which you would like to vote. The board will tell you alone in chat and in a confirmation menu which item it is you are voting for.
4. Click YES if it is the correct item, or NO if you wish to change your mind/have touched the wrong item.
5. You have 60 seconds to respond before the confirmation menu times out.
6. The board will confirm in chat which item you have voted for and how many votes you have cast. As you get the chance to confirm or decline a vote no discussion of "misplaced votes" will be entered into.
6. You can vote only for a maximum of 2 items per vote board.
If the board appears to be down or you cannot find the image of the piece you would like to vote for please send a notecard with the artist and title of the work/s to JayJay Zifanwe and quadrapop Lane. (please name the card "UWA Grand Final PC Vote - (your name) so that they can find it in their inventories!)
If you have any queries about the voting system please contact quadrapop Lane by IM and notecard.
Vote stacking will not be tolerated - any of the entries where it is obvious the builder/artist has attempted to stack votes in their favour will be disqualified. We are aware of who votes, when, and where they have been within the gallery area.
The Grand Final Prizes being chosen by the panel judges:
1) Winner of the IMAGINE 3D Art Challenge
L$75,000 (1st)
L$14,000 (2nd)
2) Winner of the FLAGSHIP Building Design Challenge
L$75,000 (1st)
L$14,000 (2nd)
3) Winner of the best Non-Scripted IMAGINE 3D Art Challenge
L$14,000 (Best non-Scripted entry)
The expanded judging panel will be making their individual choices over the month of September.
Judging Panel
1. Professor Ted Snell - Director, Cultural Precinct, The University of Western Australia (RL)
2. Frank Roberts - The University Architect, The University of Western Australi (RL)
3. John Barret-Lennard – Curatorial Director, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery (RL)
4. Oron Catts - Director, SymbioticA, The University of Western Australia (RL)
5. Jayjay Zifanwe - Owner of The University of Western Australia (SL), Creator & co-host of the UWA 3D Art & Design Challenge (SL)
6. Raphaella Nightfire - CEO SW&MB Fashion Productions, CEO Evane Model Agency (SL)
Snr Writer Best of SL Magazine, Owner Sanctorum Gallery (SL)
7. Tranguloid Trefoil - Owner of WASP at the University of Western Australia (SL)
Expanded Judging Panel for Grand Prize will include:
1. Frolic Mills - BOSL & CO CEO
2. Sasun Steinbeck - artist, scripter, and maintainer of the Art Galleries of SL list
3. Lowell Cremorne - Owner of The Metaverse Journal
4. White Lebed - Former Lead of Burning Life Art Department, Curator
5. Lanai Jarrico - CEO SL Enquirer
6. Pat Insoo - Publisher CEO Music Matters Magazine
7. Mal Burns - Metaverse News Aggregator and Broadcaster
8. Courtney Linden - Linden Lab
9. Apollo Manga - examiner.com Writer & Novelist
10. Koinup Burt aka Pierluigi Casolari - founder and CEO of Koinup
11. Dr Gary Zabel (Georg Janick - SL) - University of Masachusetts
12. Saffia Widdershins - Owner and Editor of Prim Perfect Publications
13. Jordan Whitt - Editor in Chief, ICON Lifestyle Magazine
14 Rowan Derryth - Art historian and writer for Prim Perfect Publications
15. Bohemian Ghost - Owner of Summerland Estates
The 31 finalists for the Imagine Challenge are located at the 3 locations (Floors) indicated by the above LM's. Here is a list of the works in the running (the order they are listed is in approximate historical order starting with the first of the 12 rounds):

Floor 2
1. OUR SOULS COLLIDE by Snubnose Genopeak
2. IMMERSIVE ART: THE MAZE by Alizarin Goldflake
3. Willow by Bryn Oh
4. Holophrasis by Snubnose Genopeak
5. (TP to ) Tendrils by Glyph Graves (actual work on Level 3)
6. Consolation of Philosophy by Ichiko Miles
7. CHAOS IN ORDER by Igor Ballyhoo
8. AURACARIA ARTIST BOOK by Anyunie Daviau
9. COSMIC SHOWER by Merlino Mayo
Floor 3
10. CYBERSHARK by Igor Ballyhoo
11. MUTASCOPES by FreeWee Ling
12. ATOMIC-GO-ROUND by Atomic Gaffer
13. NIGHT LIGHT by Alizarin Gldflake
14. HEATH by Flivelwitz Alsop & Fuschia Nightfire
15. OCEANS OF LIGHT by Kolor Fall/Patrick Faith
17. JULIA'S MAGIC MIRROR - DEMON by Julez Odigaunt
18. ORGANIC RECURVE by Glyph Graves
19. STRING THEORY by Abstract Baroque
Floor 4
20. UMBRELLAS by Nish Mip
21. IDENTITY CRISIS by Cat Boccaccio
22. TORSO SERIES (FIRE & WATER) by Eliza Wierwight
25. SIERPINSKY SIEVE by Takni Miklos
26. THE CHAMBER by Gingered Alsop
27. 26 TINES by Bryn Oh
28. OVERLOAD by Nish Mip
30. WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD by Lea Supermarine
31. THE LAST OCEAN by Nish Mip
The 13 finalists for the Non-Scripted Imagine Challenge are located on Fllor 1. Here is a list of the works in the running (the order they are listed is in approximate historical order starting with the first of the 12 rounds):

1. AN UNKNOWN RACE by Isaa Gelber (non-scripted)
2. Concentric Shells by Ichiko Miles (non-scripted)
3. Jackobs Stairs by Silene Christen (non-scripted)
4. BLACK SOIL PLAINS RUNNING THROUGH MY VEINS by Sistagrlro Wei (non-scripted)
5. BLACK PEARL by Solkide Auer (non-scripted)
6. THE NIGHT ORCHID by soror Nishi (non-scripted)
7. BLOOM GLOW by Sledge Roffo (non-scripted)
8. THE ABYSS by Sharni Azalee (non-scripted)
9. THE WHITE GODDESS TREE by Soror Nishi (non-scripted)
10. MEDUSA'S GAZE by pravda Core (non-scripted)
11. JUMP by Corcosman Voom (non-scripted)
12. MECHANICAL KNIGHT by Nessuno Myoo (non-scripted)
13. THE UNICORN WOOD EDITION by Nessuno Myoo (non-scripted)
The goal of the Flagship is to provide us a concept build for an Art Gallery that can be the Flagship Building for the Cultural Precinct of the University of Western Australia. If suitable it is hoped that the winning build be used as the foundation for the design of a real building we are planning to build at UWA.

1. OWL RAE (MOTH REXEN): Arcapelus Sanctuary (Sept 09)
2. NYX BREEN : Artstractions Gallery (Oct 09)
3. DUSTY CANNING: Art Gallery (Oct 09)
4. SILENE CHRISTEN: Cubes Gallery (Nov 09)
5. NYX BREEN: FUTURELab (November 09)
6. PATCH THIBAUD: UWA Cultural Precinct Nexus (Dec 09)
7. NYX BREEN: FUTURELab (Dec 09) Destroyed Build, replaced by July 2010 Build
8. NYX BREEN: UWA AxS LAB (Jan 2010)
9. NYX BREEN: UWA AxS LAB (Feb 2010)
10. IVY LANE & PHIL METALHEAD: Angel Gallery (Feb 2010)
11. NYX BREEN: UWA AxS LAB (March 2010)
12. LILLI FIELD: Eye of the Beholder (April 2010)
13. NYX BREEN: UWA AxS LAB by (April 2010)
14. ELIZA WIERWIGHT: The Patron Gallery Build (May 2010)
15. DUSTY CANNING: May UWA Flagship (May 2010)
16. DIJODI DUBRATT: UWA Bridge to the Future (May 2010)
17. HERICK STRAAF: Concept Building for AXS Lab (June 2010)
18. NYX BREEN: UWA AXS LAB (June 2010)
19. NICCI LANE: June UWA Flagship (June 2010)
20. DB BAILEY & PATCH THIBAUD: UWA Cultural Precinct Gallery & Labs (July 2010)
21. HERICK STRAAF: Concept Building for AXS Lab (July 2010)
22. HERICK STRAAF: Concept Building for AXS Lab (August 2010)
23. NYX BREEN: UWA AXS LAB (August 2010)
Our thanks go to:
Caren McCaw & Nyx Breen (Annapurna),
Dijodi Dubratt (Toor),
quadrapop Lane (Poorlatrice),
Kip Yellowjacket (Virtlantis),
Lilli Field (Mysten),
Phillip Vought & Kermi Kronfeld (Acquitaine),
Cuwynne Deerhunter & Eliza Wierwight (Patron)
and the Linden Endowment fro the Arts (LEA5)
for valuable space to rez the Flagship works.
Your official Hosts for the UWA 3D Art & Design Challenge
Jay Jay Zifanwe & quadrapop Lane
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