Monday, December 8, 2014

SL, Melbourne's Other Film Festival & Freedom Project on Australian National TV & Radio

Second Life, and the UWA journey through virtual world culminating in The Freedom Project was on display on Australian TV, with an episode of Fred Mafrica's 'The Couch' on Aurora Channel 138 & Foxtel carrying a significant interview with UWA in Second Life founder Jay Jay Jegathesan of the School of Physics, UWA. The interview with Neesha Seth begins at the 39 minute mark of the episode, and features an adaptation of the award winning Machinima by Bradley Dorchester (Curnow) who  subsequently won MachinimUWA II, alongside Laurina Hawks,  with "Art of the Artists". An excerpt from the book coming out of 'The Freedom Project' is also read.

Jay Jay was also in Melbourne speaking at 'The Other Film Festival', and was requested by ABC Radio National to front up for a discussion with Jonathan Green which was carried on 'The Sunday Extra'. As they describe it:

The shackles of confinement are being lifted through virtual worlds and avatars. In an international first, the University of Western Australia's Freedom Project is allowing artists and filmmakers with a disability or an illness to share what freedom means to them. It is being showcased at the Other Film Festival, a disability film festival in Melbourne.

Hands Across the Nation: Jay Jay, Carmsie & Terag at Melbourne's iconic Lygon Streen
The event was made additionally memorable by the presence of Carmsie Melody and Terag Ershtan in the audience, both of whom had been on 'the other side' during many of Jay Jay's presentations often answering the question 'What City in the world are you in right now?'. Was a unique and memorable experience to see things from the other side, and meet up in real life for the first time. Carmsie of course a multiple award winner across the various UWA Art challenges across the years and the driving force behind the 'SL Educate' site which assists both students and educators new to virtual worlds.

The event also brought together Jay Jay and Evgeny Sergeev, completing Neuroengineering PhD student, who was one of the pioneers who helped steer the early days of UWA's venture into virtual worlds and who had been on opposite sides of the continent for 5 years.

The Other Film Festival in itself was a great success, and was helmed by Academy Award winning animator, Adam Elliot of Harvie Krumpet fame. Festival Director Rick Randall and Jay Jay have begun discussions on possible future collaborations.

Jay Jay with Festival Director Rick Randall



  1. Congratulations Jay Jay! I really loved the ABC RN interview! Great to see you here too with more wonderful work.
