Lea Supermarine & Jarapanda Snook's amazing immersive work, The Rhythm of Mood grabbed top honours (L$10,000) for the February Round of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. In an incredible round, both Misprint Thursday's Digital Glove and Cherry Manga's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland which took 2nd & 3rd Prize overall, won a further 3 prizes each. Japan's Yooma Mayo took the Best Non-Scripted prize with Gecko on Gekko (moonlight). Full results follow.
(See FreeWee's full photo archive of all 79 entries.)
1st Prize: ($L10,000)
THE RHYTHM OF MOOD - Lea Supermarine & Jarapanda Snook
" I am still speechless, and did not expect this at all but glad that the judges felt it the way it was meant. Even in SL everyone has their own feelings and this was our way to show that... I am still a bit shaky", Lea Supermarine
2nd Prize: (L$7,500)
CARP Prize: (L$5,000)
Tornado Gallery Prize (L$5,000)
project Z Prize: (L$5,000)
DIGITAL GLOVE by Misprint Thursday
"It has been exciting to bridge music and video into my digital sculptures. I especially want to thank Sal Caruso who did the instrumental track and mixing of the song Digital Glove used in the sculpture.", Misprint Thursday
3rd Prize: (L$5,000)
BOSL Prize: (L$5,000)
Show & Tell @ Avaria Prize: (L$5,000)
People's Choice Award, 2nd Prize: (L$1,000)
"Thanks a lot to everybody, I'm totally surprised and happy. Alice's adventures in wonderland is a book that can inspire any artist, and I'm honoured that my vision of Lewis Carroll's work pleased you.", Cherry Manga
Best Non-Scripted Entry: (L$5,000)
UTSA Prize: (L$5,000)
SEED TOTEM by Jimmy Debruyere
SL Art Prize: (L$5,000)
People's Choice Award, 1st Prize: (L$2,500)
ALONE - SORROW TREE by Sharni Azalee
Odyssey Prize: (L$5,000)
S&S Gallery Prize (L$5,000)
Pirats Prize: (L$5,000)
Nordan Art Prize: (L$5,000)
"I did not think at all that this would win a prize. I enjoy my art in RL and SL. The process of art creation from the first little idea to the finished object, thats the greatest joy for me. Thus my enjoyment was so much greater today the second that i heard my name called, and I heard the title of my installation. At this moment while I say this, my feelings are at an all time high, far greater than this recognition"
The Workhouse & Art place d-oo-b Prize (L$5,000)
"Im honored to receive this prize and through this prize and attention the important message my work is based on will reach a larger audience.", Nino Vichan
Curator's Choice Award (L$5,000):
"Little fish gets lucky in the big pond! Thank you so much, this is awesome... doing a happy dance" Fiona Blaylock
For those who are interested. Here is a summary of the announcements by Jayjay Zifanwe:
79 entries were received for the February round, spread out across this sim-wide 'Living Gallery'! It was also great to see so many new faces among the artists who submitted works for this round, with works coming in from Aletta Woodford, Aneli Abeyante, Cheyenne Palisades, Garnet Trilling, Ichtyo Broome, Nema Galicia, Secret Rage, Winter Ravenheart, Xenophile Neurocam, Ynot Fenua, Yooma Mayo and zephyru Zapedzki among others.
We have been through 16 monthly rounds since all this started in August 2009 and more than 400 artists have been involved, however only 2 have taken part in every single round ... the terrific twosome of soror Nishi and Jesse Keyes. Much thanks to you both!
It is important to me to also acknowledge everyone who did contribute over the month towards prizes across the year and the Grand Finale. Thank you Sasun Steinbeck, Suzanne Graves, Moeuhane Sandalwood, Harter Fall, EdwardIV Beaumont, Milly Sharple, ELLiebob Bean, Gumby Roffo, Accord Carling, Ichiko Miles, Cellandra Zon, Monarchy Republic, Fional Blaylock, cheerio (just cheerio ... never saw a name like this), Emsi Zobovic and Natsha Lemton.
As always I acknowledge the international connections made through SL, and up to now, the various challenges have seen artists, builders and machinimatographers hailing from Hungary, Latvia, Russia, Venezuela, Belgium, Mexico, Wales, Canada, the USA, the UK, Uruguay, Scotland,England, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, France, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Denmark, Holland, Ireland, Portugal, Austria, Cuba, Serbia, Tunisia, Germany, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. 6 of the 7 continents of the world represented.
At this point I would like for all of you to help me acknowledge the amazing work required to keep 'The UWA Living Gallery' going. Curator of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge & Creator of gallery ....... FreeWee Ling.
As always many things happened since the last announcements.
We had Yesikita Coppola's official machinima of the January round winners.
We have also had a lot entries start to come in for MachinimUWA III: Journeys, including from Pia Klaar, Kobuk Farshore, Ed Vespucciano, Ginger Alsop, Myth Guyot & Lakshmi Giha, Anri Emerald, Delgado Cinquetti and AnimaTechnica Umbarundu. They are all posted on the UWA in Second Life Blog.
With this, the prize pool is more than a half million Linden prize pool. What the journey is will be left to the Machinimatographer. A journey through Second Life. A journey of self discovery. A journey within. A journey from SL too RL, or vice-versa. A journey through space, through time, a journey of hope, a journey of despair. Your own journey, or a journey by someone else seen through your eyes... or... through Second Life in 80 Days, whatever you can imagine.
Please do help spread the word to any colleagues you think could create something amazing. The deadline for this is the 1st of May 2011. Full detaills linked on the blog.
There was amazing news tied to the University of Western Australia's Centenary (100 Year Anniversary). A book of 100 Treasures of UWA has been released as part of celebrating 100 years since the act of parliament that caused the creation of UWA was signed in 1911. The 100 treasures were selected by the Centenary Planning Committee Chaired by Dr Sue Boyd.
What is amazing and thrilling to those involved in the UWA Second Life presence is that 'UWA in Second Life' has been selected as one of the 100 treasures! The feeling cannot be described. How the presence that was nothing before the 1st of June 2009 is now one of the 100 treasures spanning a century of history at UWA!
For UWA's full sim art series, I thank Blue Tsuki for his amazing show across the month of February, and welcome the Flowers of France, Anley Piers, Cherry Manga and Elfe Imako who have created 'Other World' for UWA's FULL SIM Art series for the month of March. I will leave it to them to let everyone know when the party is, and they did say they will have one soon. In the meantime, do visit and explore this amazing space. http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA%20VIRTLANTIS/148/125/22
And incredibly over the past few days, we have had a 12th Group Award established. Much thanks to Zachh Cale, the project Z Prize (L$5,000) will be awarded every month beginning immediately!
I would like also to acknowledge the members of the UWA judging panel. On the panel were:
1. Professor Ted Snell (RL) - Director, Cultural Precinct, The University of Western Australia
2. John Barret-Lennard (RL) - Curator of the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, UWA
3. Raphaella Nightfire (SL) - Snr Writer Best of SL Magazine, Owner Sanctorum Gallery
4. Len Zuks (RL) - Award Winning West Australian Sculpturist
5. FreeWee Ling (SL) - Curator, UWA 3D Open Art Challenge
6. Laetitia Wilson (RL) - Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts, UWA
7. Lyn DiCiero (RL) - Editor, WA Artist's Chronicle
8. And paper shuffler extraordinaire ...... Yours Truly
Now for the winners.
First the People's Choice Awards. For this, we thank GeeJAnn Blackadder's scripting wizardry for creating the voting system. Voting was steady throughout the voting period, but it’s amazing how the final voting fell.
The People's Choice Award, where all of SL is invited to vote, carries a 1st ($L2,500) and a 2nd prize ($L1,000). Every month people tell us who hard it is to make selections, and this month was no different.
For the PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD, 2nd prize (L$1,000) goes to:
It was a very close thing, but the the winner for the FEBRUARY PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD (L$2,500) is:
ALONE - SORROW TREE by Sharni Azalee
Very strong in the voting (and in no particular order) were ....... Xenophile Neurocam's 'Chaotic Atomic', Lea Supermarine and Jarapanda Snook's 'Rhythm of Mood', typote Beck's 'Minotaur of carton', Fae Varialle's 'Steam Angel', Faery Sola's 'Unicorn', Nino Vichan's 'Shackling of Pregnant Incarcerated Women', Milly Sharple's 'Tripping the Light Fantastic' and Luko Enpch's 'Stand and Deliver the Universe'.
TWELVE Art Group Prizes of L$5,000 each have been awarded by the various judging panels for the JANUARY Round of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge:
The SL Art Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Gleman Jun & Sunset Quinnell goes to:
ALONE - SORROW TREE by Sharni Azalee
The UTSA Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Dr Carmen Fies goes to:
SEED TOTEM by Jimmy Debruyere
The CARP Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Velasquez Bonnetto & Josina Burgess goes to:
DIGITAL GLOVE by Misprint Thursday
Commenting on the selection, the CARP panel offered, "It looks like every month the works are getting better, and for us its harder to make a desicion, we saw many pieces where the looks, the using of the scripts, the humor in it were really superb. We chose this month a work that was different from all others. Digital Glove, gets the CARP prize for best use of script, film and sound,complexity and build. Here the use of scripts, media and a hud, very complex but well organised and synchronised.
Next the joint Workhouse & Art Place d-o-o-b Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Astarte Haalan and Elfachfilm Vacirca goes to:
The panel said, "Nino’s work exemplifies the new and unique technical possibilities of art in a virtual world while addressing social and political issues that are relevant and important in any world. A sense of pessimism superficially permeates the work, but only through works such as this can the reasons for that pessimism be understood and the ability to move beyond it become a plausibility. "
The Odyssey Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Fau Ferdinand & Lizsolo Mathilde goes to
The Show & Tell @ Avaria Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Florenze Kerensky & Barney Boomslang goes to:
The panel commented " Cherry's workmanship impressed us, this work is not just nice solid sculpt work but something really different. While the books give nice context to the scenes, you first think, "well, book with pictures" then your eyes catch the waterfall and draw you in and you see the 3d. Cherry presented her scene in a surprising, immersive way."
The BOSL Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Frolic Mills & Editorial Clarity goes to:
this piece has won 2 Group prizes, meaning it goes straight to the Grand Finale Round and will remain on display all year!
The Nordan Art Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Flora Nordenskiold & Apmel Goosson goes to:
The Nordan panel, had this to say, "ChapTer Kronfeld's work "Sonic Space of Silence" is in a large black space with an opening. Before one enters, one is advised to activate the sound. Once inside, purple cubes with numbers start falling and hitting the ground. The sound is that of a choir of voices, seemingly in agony or pain. When one sits on one of the cubes, one becomes one with the interaction, cubes falling on top and all around. It seems the cubes never settle and since one is the part of the one cube, there is a sense of unease and constant movement. This multi-media experience is one of being part of a larger chaos. "
The Pirats Prize: (L$5,000) with a panel led by Merlina Rokocoko & Newbab Zsigmond goes to:
The panel felt that Silene had created a true atmosphere within a simple build to keep her message on planned obsolescence intact.
The S&S Gallery OFA Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by TheDove Rhode goes to:
another double winner, and so this qualifies directly to the Grand Finale
The Tornado Gallery Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Taralyn Gravois goes to:
DIGITAL GLOVE by Misprint Thursday
a 2nd group prize for the month! so again, this piece moves straight through to the Grand Finale round and will be on display till the end of the year!
And the NEW Award, the project Z Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Zachh Cale goes to:
DIGITAL GLOVE by Misprint Thursday
an unprecedented 3 Group Awards.
Next, in FreeWee's words:
""This month's Curator's Choice award goes to an artist who has a remarkable talent for extending her rl work into the virtual medium to create a hybrid that is greater than the sum of its parts. She makes otherwise two-dimensional images come alive with motion and sound and light."
FreeWee Ling's Curator's Choice Award (L$5,000) goes to:
Now for the Best Non-Scripted Imagine entry, with a prize of $L5,000. As far as non-scripted entries go, there were an amazing assortment of fine works to choose and they were really really different from each other this month. The pieces the panel were considering were so varied it was really hard to select, however we did mange to, and so the winner of the Best Non-Scripted Entry is:
hailing from Atsuji, Japan, Yooma is the first prize winner from the Land of the Rising Sun!
Now for the top 3 Prizes. It was very hard for the groups to select only 1 prize. And although quite a number of groups had come to the same decision as some of the others, let me assure you it was unbelievably difficult to do.
3rd Prize (L$5,000) for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for FEBRUARY goes to:
Cherry takes home 4 awards for February, continuing her amazing run
2nd Prize (L$7,500) for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for FEBRUARY goes to:
DIGITAL GLOVE by Misprint Thursday
4 awards for Misprint as well.... incredible
Now to the winner of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for FEBRUARY, following in the footsteps of past champions Snubnose Genopeak, Glyph Graves, Atomic Gaffer, Fuschia Nightfire/Flivelwitz Alsop, Julez Odigaunt, FreeWee Ling, Bryn Oh, Nish Mip, Josina Burgess, Cherry Manga, Igor Ballyhoo and Suzanne Graves.
It is with great pleasure that we announce that the Winner of 1st Prize (L$10,000) for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for February 2011 is:
THE RHYTHM OF MOOD by Lea Supermarine & Jarapanda Snook
John Barret-Lennard, curator of the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery @ UWA, speaking on behalf of the committee said, "The Rythm of Mood was commended by the judges for its ambition, scale and sophistication. It succeeds in conveying mood and pyschological state in well resolved environments. The artist has created a complex series of spaces, and uses all the possibilities of the medium as a powerful expressive tool. The creative use of immersive enviroments in this work allows expression of ideas and emotions in ways that would be difficult to achieve in any other medium-it uses the unique qualites of the virtual space in exemplary ways, and produces a genuinely engaging result."
Congratulations to all the winners and a big thank you to all the artists who have entered the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. We are officially receiving artworks for MARCH, so please do send in your entries as soon as possible.
And remember, entries for MACHNIMUWA III: JOURNEYS and MACHINIMUWA IV : The 2nd Art of the Artists are most welcome. Do tell your machinimatographer colleagues that any of the artworks here across the year can be featured in the latter.
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