At UWA we wanted to
celebrate Christmas Aussie style with a Very Aussie Christmas Competition, so we asked builders to enter Aussie themed items that would be found at an Aussie Christmas celebration. Given the short notice - we have had some stunning responses.

One such entry was by Dusty Canning - a very Aussie Back Yard Christmas display...
I'll let Dusty explain in her own words...

I'm thinking that this Christmas Display does not need to be described to any Aussie or even any overseas tourist who has spent a Christmas in Australia before.
To those people who have not been lucky enough to share our festive season i'll very briefly explain the scene.
Christmas day and the holiday period surrounding it is the opportunity for Australians to relax and do what they like doing best. The little scene I have created is a small plug out of a typical Aussie back yard.
In the land of plenty this little scene has all that a man, woman or child could ever wish for.
On Christmas day the decorations are attached before the meal and during the first or second beer and as you have probably noticed they are very colourful and fancy and really set the festive atmosphere.

Of course we have lovely hot sunny days and we only need a few chairs to sit back in, the pool to cool down in and the BBQ to grill the meat. We understand the need to remain hydrated so the esky keeps the beer and wine cold while we pick at the salad and wait for the meat to be ready.
We don't need to tax our brains with meaningless conversation because we have the cricket on the telly to entertain us.

The mosquitoes (or mozzies as they are called here) are kept away by the pungent aroma of the burning mozzie coil and by placing a garbage bin in close proximity the flies will be attracted to it and won't bother us one little bit.

After the main meal we traditionally eat Pavlova and follow that with more drinks and the opening of the long awaited presents.
The rest of the afternoon is spent watching the cricket which fortunately goes right through until dinner time.
With the cricket finally over for the day we then have family bonding time when we talk to each other and collect the lunch time leftovers to be sorted through for dinner. Because it's summer and it never rains we are able to leave everything in the back yard to be cleaned up the following day after a nice long sleep and half a dozen Baroccas.
We love our country and out quaint customs and love to be so far from the rest of the world so we can keep our unique rituals to ourselves.
Please share and enjoy and have a Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.
The following is the text from the Very Aussie Christmas Competition notecard and the entries can be viewed at the
Very Aussie Christmas Beach:
At UWA we are going to celebrate a
but to decorate this beach Aussie style
we need the help of all the Aussie
builders, designers and artists in sl.
And this means you!
We have L$4,000 in prize money
(Thanks to MidnightRain Glas, JayJay Zifanwe and Artfox Daviau)
1st Prize L$2000
2nd Prize L$1000
2 Honary mentions L$500 each
What are we looking for?
Anything to do with Christmas in Australia...
- Aussie inspired Christmas decorations (animals, plants/flowers, items)
- Aussie Christmas foods (what is the traditional aussie christmas faire?)
- Aussie Christmas activities (please remember this is PG rated - so only what the kids might get up to;)
- Historical Aussie Christmas - stuff from the past that was Aussie and out/used at Christmas time.
- Aussie inspired street/house decorations (and we don't mean yet more baubles, stars and snowflake shapes!)
It doesn't need to be new and specifically for this - we would simply like to showcase our great Aussie Christmas culture....
Please drop items on quadrapop Lane before the 30th November (this deadline is not firm - you have a few more days :) - include a notecard with a description of the entry and any LMs or info on your other work you think appropriate.
Winners will be announced close to Christmas day, at a big pre-Christmas party thrown on the UWA sim! Looks like the party will be on 22nd December at an Aussie friendly time :)