Lyn DiCiero, the influential Editor of the West Austrlian art journal, the Artist's Chronicle has agreed to join the UWA judging panel for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge.
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"Having seen virtual space for the first time I'm excited about its potential application in education and the opportunities for artists to expand and grow a new artform. I look forward to seeing more."

One of the works which attracted Lyn's attention to virtual art, was Nish Mip's Grand Finale winning 'Umbrellas' piece featured in the December issue of the Best of Second Life Magazine (page 122)
Full UWA Judging Panel
1. Professor Ted Snell - Director, Cultural Precinct, The University of Western Australia (RL)& Chairman of Visual Arts for the Australia Council
2. John Barret-Lennard - Curator of the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, UWA
3. Len Zuks - Award Winning West Australian Sculpturist
4. Laetitia Wilson - Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts, UWA
5. Lyn DiCiero - Editor, WA Artist's Chronicle
6. Jay Jay Jegathesan / Zifanwe - Owner of The UWA SL presence; Creator & Host of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge; Manager School of Physics, UWA
7. Raphaella Nightfire (SL) - Snr Writer Best of SL Magazine, Owner Sanctorum Gallery
8. FreeWee Ling (SL) - Curator, UWA 3D Open Art Challenge
It's wonderful to see the WA arts community beyond UWA taking an interest!