Full results follow, and the text of the winners announcement is reproduced below in full.
1st Prize: (L$10,000)

"First I have to say that I'm totally blown away by my win! Many thanks to the judges who found merit in my work - the funny thing is that I have only once ever selected the same winner as the judges have. It is hard to know exactly what they are looking for. I approached this entry with no thoughs of pleasing judges or of winning anything. It was simply done to amuse myself and 2 very young boys that I look after a couple of times every week in RL. Perhaps this is the best way to approach art - please yourself first and hopefully it just might please others as well. This is a wonderful competition to win and i feel humbled." Dusty Canning
Joint 2nd Prize: (L$5,000)
THE DOCK SPIRIT by Scottius Polke

"A big otterly thanks to both the SAS Gallery and the UWA Competition for choosing my artwork in two categories. Also a big thanks to all the generous donors who support the arts in SL!" Scottius Polke
ULTRA VIOLET by quadrapop Lane

"All I can say is I was surprised... was totally amazed" quadrapop Lane
THEATRE OF WAR by Miso Susanowa

Joint Best Non-Scripted Prize : (@L$2,500)

"This is the second month I've participated in UWA's Art Challenge after discovering this promotion of the arts. It is a great honor to be given such an award at UWA. The judges have been so generous. It gives me a goal each month to try and do my best, and it's a real creative outlet. 'History in Creme', my submission for April, is now part of a building on my sim. So indeed, I'm very pleased to be able to show elements of the architecture on my sim to an audience. I've also found artists I'd not known of before coming to UWA, and whose work I greatly admire. I am stimulated seeing the submissions of 3d artwork as well as the machinima that came out this month. Thank you for the opportunity to show here!" Haveit Neox
FATA DANZANTE by Daco Monday

UTSA Prize: (L$5,000)
BAUDELAIRE by Cherry Manga

"Thanks so much tothe UTSA team, I appreciate a lot the work UTSA does in Second life, thanks for considering my work :)" Cherry Manga
SL Art Prize: (L$5,000)
GEOMETRIES by Maryva Mayo

Odyssey Prize: (L$5,000)
TROMPES DU FIN FOND by Artistide Despres

"This prize has encouraged to explore further with my musical scripts. I would like to thank all the organizers of the UWA award. Very impressive show, as i participate for the first time. And very happy to see some friends as award co-winners ! " Aristide Despres
Pirats Prize: (L$5,000)
SWALLOWED UP BY THE CROWD by Fuschia Nightfire

CARP Prize: (L$5,000)
SWALLOWED UP BY THE CROWD by Fuschia Nightfire

"I was very surprised to win the scripting prize, not being a scripter, but I had enjoyed playing with the animation script that was given to me, alongside using video to film avatars and making the animations from stills. I also felt really honoured to receive the Pirats vote, they are a great group and always open to new ideas in art." Fuschia Nightfire
Nordan Art Prize: (L$5,000)

"For some of us Fukushima is present for all of us, Fukushima is future." Igor Ballyhoo
BOSL Prize: (L$5,000)
HERON EARTH by Kobuk Farshore

" It's very humbling to be a new artist receiving this month's BOSL award in the company of so many people whose works stagger me. UWA really has been my introduction and inspiration to 3D design, and I never could have guessed a month ago that art would become such an immersive and inseparable part of my SL." Kobuk Farshore
S&S Gallery OFA Prize (L$5,000)
THE DOCK SPIRIT by Scottius Polke

Tornado Gallery (L$5,000)
ONE DROP by Milly Sharple

"My grateful thanks to Tornado Gallery for this unexpected surprise! It is much appreciated!" Milly Sharple
The Workhouse & Art place d-oo-b Prize (L$5,000)

project Z Prize: (L$5,000)
VENUSTRAP by Claudia222 Jewell

Curator's Choice Award (L$5,000):
VENUSTRAP by Claudia222 Jewell

"I would like to say more what a important and great job FreeWee & Zachh & Jayjay do to support all the artists with a such a dedication , and that without you guys many would be never showered with so many opportinities to get further" claudia222 Jewell
People's Choice Award, 1st Prize: (L$2,500)
GEOMETRIES by Maryva Mayo

KINETIC SPIRALIUM by Lea Supermarine

FOR THOSE WHO ARE INTERESTED. Here is full text of the announcements of winners by Jayjay Zifanwe:
Greetings everyone, and welcome to the University of Western Australia, or UWA as she is known and also welcome to the APRIL round announcement of winners and party for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. As is tradition at UWA, I would like to acknowledge that the University is situated on Nyoongar land and that the Nyoongar people remain the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land and continue to uphold their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge.
This is the 6th of 12 monthly rounds for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. Halfway to go before it all ends! The first thing I would like to do is to thank and acknowledge the major art houses and groups in Second Life that are part of this Grand Collaboration. These include The University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA) led by Dr Carmen Fies, SL Art led by Gleman Jun & Sunset Quinnel, CARP led by Josina Burgess & Velazquez Bonetto, Pirats Art Network led by Merlina Rokocoko & Newbab Zsigmond, Odyssey led by Fau Ferdinand & Lizsolo Mathilde, BOSL led by Frolic Mills and Editorial Clarity, Nordan Art led by Flora Nordanskiold, S&S Gallery of Fine Art led by TheDove Rhode, The Workhouse Gallery led by Astarte Haalan, Art Place d-oo-b led by Eifachfilm Vacirca, The Tornado Gallery led by Taralyn Gravois, project Z led by Zachh Cale and UWA with Professor Ted Snell, Chair of the Visual Arts Board of the Australia Council for the Arts as Chair of the UWA judging panel.
UWA would also like to acknowledge fellow sponsors, MidnightRain Glas, Philip Vought, Bohemian Ghost and Patch Thibaud.
58 entries were received for the April round, spread out across this sim-wide 'Living Gallery'! April entries were characterized by their large size. In previous months we had many more smaller entries but this month the footprints were all much bigger. It is also always good to see new faces among the artists who submitted works for this round, with works coming in from Earl Dinkin, Maryva Mayo, Morbelle and Aristide Despres, among others.
We have been through 18 monthly rounds since all this started in August 2009 and more than 400 artists have been involved. Through the first 17 rounds we had 2 artists who had submitted every round. After the 18th however only one artist holds that distinction. Jesse Keyes, was unlucky to miss the deadline by about one day, and became the first entry to the May Round. A big thank you to Jesse for the wonderful support. And thus soror Nishi stands alone!
This L$1,000,000 challenge will see more than L$80,000 being distributed each month, with the Grand Prize winner at the end of it all pocketing a cool L$100,000. The many contributions coming in from everyone will this year be put towards special prizes, including the Curator's Choice Award.
It is important to me to also acknowledge everyone who did contribute over the month towards prizes across the year and the Grand Finale. Thank you Haveit Neox, LaPiscean Liberty, Lexi Allardyce, Deoridhe Quandry, Nikita Moonshadow, Milly Sharple, spirit radikal, fiona Blaylock, TheTell Merlin, MenuBar Memorial, Briarmelle Quintessa and Mouehane Sandalwood.
As always I acknowledge the international connections made through SL, and up to now, the various challenges have seen artists, builders and machinimatographers hailing from Poland, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Ukraine, Taiwan, Hungary, Latvia, Russia, Venezuela, Belgium, Mexico, Wales, Canada, the USA, the UK, Uruguay, Scotland,England, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, France, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Denmark, Holland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Portugal, Austria, Cuba, Serbia, Tunisia, Germany, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. 6 of the 7 continents of the world represented.
At this point I would like for all of you to help me acknowledge the amazing work required to keep all of this going. Curator of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge & Creator of gallery ....... FreeWee Ling.
Do check out the amazing photo gallery she has put together of the April round https://picasaweb.google.com/freeweel/UWA3DOpenArtChallengeApril2011#
As always many things happened since the last announcements.
We had Yesikita Coppola's official machinima of the MARCH round winners:
TheTell Merlin was also inspired by the April works to create a spontaneous Machinima, just today. Here is the link to save for later http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1d9metstBU
We have also had more than 45 entries come in for MachinimUWA III: Journeys, and entries close at midnight SLT tonight, and quite a few more are expected before the clock ticks twelve!
I recently announced an audience participation event for MachinimUWA III. The prize pool was to be L$5,000 set aside for SL residents and viewers who take part in this. Thanks to an anonymous benefactor, the prize pool has doubled to L$10,000, just for watching the Machinima. We are asking all the residents of SL to give us your TOP 10 machinima, in order of your preference. (on a notecard to Jayjay Zifanwe)
The 3 participants whose order comes closest to the final order as decided by the judging panel, will win for themselves L$5,000, L$3,000 and L$2,000 respectively. The first prize winner will also be invited to be on the panel for MachinimUWA IV and all three top winners will receive in the mail a special RL pack that includes a copy of the book, '100 Treasures of UWA' which was produced for UWA's Centenary. Here is a link to the audience participation event. I would be grateful if you helped spread the word on this. It has an 18th May deadline.
Winners of machinimUWA III will be announced at the 4-SIM UWA-BOSL Grand Amphitheatre from 6am slt on Sunday the 22nd of May. Guest speaker of honour, and also on the judging panel is internationally acclaimed Director, Peter Greenaway. Do set that time and day aside, as I would love for all of you to be there.
I was also given the privilege of appearing on 'Tonight Live with Paisley Beebe' on the 17th of April, and was thrilled to be able to speak about the UWA Machinima & Art Challenges and it featured works by Ginger Alsop, Josiane Sorciere, Kobuk Farshore, Eric Boccara and Soda Lemondrop. Full interview is linked here:
Also, in conjunction with the tireless Lillth Siamendes, UWA played host to the Metaverse Live Music Expo from the 22nd to the 25th of April allowing for UWA to be involved in Art, Machinima and now Music too.
For UWA's full sim art series, I thank soror Nishi who just celebrated her 4th rezz day for her amazing "Transubstantiation". And for the month of May for UWA's FULL SIM Art series I look forward to the mathematical wonders that will be brought to us by Wizard Gynoid, who I am certain can fill a 45,000 prim sim, let alone one with a mere 15,000.
I would like also to acknowledge the members of the UWA judging panel. On the panel were:
1. Professor Ted Snell (RL) - Director, Cultural Precinct, The University of Western Australia
2. John Barret-Lennard (RL) - Curator of the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, UWA
3. Raphaella Nightfire (SL) - Snr Writer Best of SL Magazine, Owner Sanctorum Gallery
4. Len Zuks (RL) - Award Winning West Australian Sculpturist
5. FreeWee Ling (SL) - Curator, UWA 3D Open Art Challenge
6. Laetitia Wilson (RL) - Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts, UWA
7. Lyn DiCiero (RL) - Editor, WA Artist's Chronicle
8. And coffee machine expert ...... Yours Truly
Those who followed procedings last year would know that for the Grand Finale, the panel expands to include many SL Art personalities, and for this new challenge, the expanded panel will include:
1. Sasun Steinbeck - Creator of the Art Galleries of SL list at http://sasun.info/ArtGalleriesofSL.aspx
2. Tayzia Abattoir (SL) Owner of The Oldest Virtual World Art Museum in SL, curator of the Aho Museum & Arts Simulacra on the NMC Campus and Relay For LIfe of SL Event Chair
3. Lumiere Noir (SL) - Creator of the Ivory Tower Library of Primitives
4. Dr. Phylis Johnson (RL) - Media Professor, Southern Illinois Uinversity, Author - Machinima: Aesthetics and Practice (a.k.a, Sonicity Fitzroy, SL Virtual Journalist)
5. Rowan Derryth (SL) - Art & Design Historian; Writer for Prim Perfect Publications
6. Persia Bravin (SL) - Journalist and Media Producer (SL newspapers, magazines, radio and television)
7 Dr Carmen Fies (RL) - Second Life Lead: University of Texas San Antonio & UTSA Artspace
8. Apollo Manga (SL) - examiner.com Writer & Novelist
9. Jordan Whitt (SL) - Editor in Chief, ICON Lifestyle Magazine
10. Mariposa Upshaw (SL) - Curator - Ventura Art & Jardine; Officer, Arts Council of Second Life
11. Saffia Widdershins (SL) - Owner and Editor of Prim Perfect Publications
12. Phillip Vought (SL) - Art Philanthropist & Founding Patron of UWA-BOSL Amphitheatre
13. Bohemian Ghost (SL) - Art Philanthropist & Owner of Summerland Estates
14. Ally Aeon (SL) - Founder Aeonia Artist Group, creator/owner of the art region Aeonia
15. Aino Baar (SL) - Owner of the Open This End Group
Now for the winners. The winners will be announced in 1 minute intervals. We invite everyone to comment and congratulate the winners and for the winners to respond before the next announcement (and if they could please use the SHOUT function).
First the People's Choice Awards. For this, we thank GeeJAnn Blackadder's scripting wizardry for creating the voting system. Its been working wonderfully since being instituted, and greatly assists in the running of the People's Choice!
The People's Choice Award, where all of SL is invited to vote, carries a 1st ($L2,500) and a 2nd prize ($L1,000). Its always close, April was no different.
For the PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD, 2nd prize (L$1,000) goes to:
KINETIC SPIRALIUM by Lea Supermarine
And the very deserving winner for the APRIL PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD (L$2,500) is:
GEOMETRIES by Maryva Mayo
Very strong in the voting (and in no particular order) were .......Fae Varriale's 'Noir', claudia222 Jewell's 'Venustrap' & 'Birdman', ChapTer Kronfeld's 'Epitaph for Oil Humans', Fuschia NIghtfire's 'Swallowed up by the Crowd', Scottius Polke's 'Dock Spirit', and Milly Sharple's 'One Drop'.
TEN Art Group Prizes of L$5,000 each have been awarded by the various judging panels for the APRIL Round of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge:
The SL Art Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Gleman Jun & Sunset Quinnell goes to:
GEOMETRIES by Maryva Mayo
The UTSA Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Dr Carmen Fies goes to:
BAUDELAIRE by Cherry Manga
The CARP Prize (L$5,000) whose focus is on scripting with a panel led by Velasquez Bonnetto & Josina Burgess goes to:
SWALLOWED UP BY THE CROWD by Fuschia Nightfire
Commenting on the selection, the CARP panel offered, G"reat work! great use of Muybridge animation and great content and message!"
Next the joint Workhouse & Art Place d-o-o-b Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Astarte Haalan and Elfachfilm Vacirca goes to:
The panel said, " In a world where globalism, commercialism, greed and vanity all work together to produce an endless string of conflicts, we have to look behind the curtain to see our true corporate masters. To sell their product of death and hate, they offer us “free” gifts that exploit us as we accept them. Violence is commoditized and carnage becomes the latest and final fashion. A world of beauty exists outside the box of Death, but Death is only a short distance from reaching us all. "
The Odyssey Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Fau Ferdinand & Lizsolo Mathilde goes to
TROMPES DU FIN FOND by Artistide Despres
Fau on behalf of the committee said, "This artwork can't be rushed, it takes time to fully appreciate this piece"
The BOSL Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Frolic Mills & Editorial Clarity goes to:
HERON EARTH by Kobuk Farshore
The Nordan Art Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Flora Nordenskiold:
The panel offered "Igor Ballyhoo’s work “Dance of the Fukushima Angels” consists of two green-white fetus like angels with transparent wings tied together with an umbilical cord. They are floating, or dancing, in a black space in a black box. Standing in front of this work, there is an immediate sense of transcending into some sort of hypnotic state as one watches the little angels dance a seemingly never-ending dance. But then, at some point, one is overcome by the devastation of this image; the nuclear accidents in Fukushima and the effect it has had on the unborn. Igor’s work stands out to Nordan Art because he is able to integrate superb craftmanship with a powerful social message. This work effects the viewer on a deeper level, it leaves one thinking and wondering. Igor masters using the symbolic as a mode of creative expression."
The Pirats Prize: (L$5,000) with a panel led by Merlina Rokocoko & Newbab Zsigmond goes to:
SWALLOWED UP BY THE CROWD by Fuschia Nightfire
The 2nd Group Award for Fuschia, which means this piece goes straight to the Grand Finale!
The S&S Gallery OFA Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by TheDove Rhode goes to:
THE DOCK SPIRIT by Scottius Polke
The panel explained, "Beautifully crafted, visually astounding, the sounds and softer glow, colors hue....holds ones gaze. Guiding and leading showing the beam of entrance to the realm of the swirling sea below! Brilliant and deeply moving, The S&S Gallery's awards "Scottius Polke" the achivement for his fine workmanship, creative vision and overall creative artform experssion!"
The Tornado Gallery Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Taralyn Gravois goes to:
ONE DROP by Milly Sharple
Said the panel, "This artwork is so simple when you think about it, as you walk up to it. it looks like a tear drop..but then when you get close...it is many..and that is its point..Milly quoted Ryunosuke Satoru saying "Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an Ocean." The use of color in the textures makes it all flow together nicely. Milly Thank you for sharing your imagination with us, It's a beautiful thing."
The project Z Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Zachh Cale goes to:
VENUSTRAP by Claudia222 Jewell
Next, in FreeWee's words:
As I've mentioned before, I tend to respond to work that is grounded in rl artistic fundamentals, but transform those talents in imaginative new ways in SL. This month's Curator's Choice is an encouragement award for someone who has quickly taken the SL art world by storm. This artist's unique vision and exquisite technical expertise are unbridled.
FreeWee Ling's Curator's Choice Award (L$5,000) goes to:
VENUSTRAP by Claudia222 Jewell
A Group + Curators Award put Venustrap straight through to the Grand Finale as well!
Now for the Best Non-Scripted entry. The March round really brought the Non-Scripted works to the fore, and in April we had a very strong field as well. And so the winner of the Best Non-Scripted Entry is:
and Haveit Neox goes back to back!
but, and nobody who was here last month should be surprised by this..... we have a joint winner. So for the month of APRIL, the JOINT winner (L$2,500 @) of the best Non-Scripted Entry is:
FATA DANZANTE by Daco Monday
Now for the top 3 Prizes. All of these works will go straight to the Grand Finale round. Honestly, for the judges it was extremely hard, and emotions flew high, with almost blood being splilt on the judging floor. Never were there more diverse opinions. It was wafer thin among the panel among the 10 pieces everyone liked best, and somehow those margins allowed for a single 1st Prize winner. And so....
3rd Prize for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for APRIL goes to:
Yes.... nobody, because we have a THREE WAY TIE for 2nd place! I knwo there have been numerous ties in the past. I need to explain this a bit. The RL panel meets twice for an hour each and in that time have to come to agreement. So in the end when there is heated argument, we compromise by putting up joint winners. The important thing is that all of these go to the Grand Finale, where there is a larger panel of people across the grid, and about one month to decide instead of a few days.
and so
Joint 2nd Prize (L$5,000) for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for APRIL goes to:
ULTRA VIOLET by quadrapop Lane
a long time supporter of the challenge, quadrapop breaks through for the first time :)
Joint 2nd Prize (L$5,000) for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for APRIL, ALSO goes to:
THEATRE OF WAR by Miso Susanowa
AND joint 2nd Prize (L$5,000) for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for APRIL, ALSO goes to:
THE DOCK SPIRIT by Scottius Polke
Now to the winner of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for APRIL, following in the footsteps of past champions Snubnose Genopeak, Glyph Graves, Atomic Gaffer, Fuschia Nightfire/Flivelwitz Alsop, Julez Odigaunt, FreeWee Ling, Bryn Oh, Nish Mip, Josina Burgess, Cherry Manga, Igor Ballyhoo, Suzanne Graves, Lea Supermarine/Jarapanda Snook, Ginger Alsop and Gleman Jun.
It is with great pleasure that we announce that the Winner of 1st Prize for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for APRIL 2011 is:
Dusty has been part of the UWA Challengs since its inception, and this is the first time Dusty has taken a top prize! Congrats. Len Zuks, on the panel described his feeling as follows, "I watched the beginnings of this art piece unravel with an ordinary response. The undignified simian-like rope climb., only to be blown away at my experience within the endless jungle balanced on the rope'.
Congratulations to all the winners and a big thank you to all the artists who have entered the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. We are officially receiving artworks for MAY, so please do send in your entries as soon as possible.
Also, do consider taking part in the audience participation event for machinimUWA III. Just have a look at this link for all the details:
A big thanks and welcome back to to our DJ Eifachfilm Vacirca to whom I will be handing the floor, for the "Power Half Hour". 30 minutes of after tunes to enlight your minds and to move your stereo. Please help me look after him everyone. Over to you Eif.
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