'Art is Dead', by Scooby Mode features numerous artworks that have been submitted to the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. This machinima is now part of MachinimUWA IV: Art of the Artists, which unites the powerhouses of virtual worlds, Artists and Machinimatographers!
Entries to the L$300,000 MachinimUWA IV close on the 10th of November and looks for the creation of machinima featuring artworks that are part of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge.
Artworks featured include:
The Crossing created by Nish Mip
Swallowed up by the Crowd created by Fuschia Nightfire
The Dock Spirit created by Scottius Polke
Theatre of War created by Miso Susanowa
IL PLEUT SUR MON COEUR COMME IL PLEUT SUR LA VILLE ("It's raining in my heart, as it's raining in the town") by Cherry Manga
LOST HELP by Lucignolo [coddax]
PARANORMAL FROTTAGE by Misprint Thursday
In Scooby's words, "Special thanks to Ivica Atlanta for sponsoring me with the Sleepy Hollow Horse that can be bought at this link along with a Sleepy Hollow avatar!
Onto the story.... This is about Two avatars who visit the Real Life realm with the help of a magical staff. The female seems to be happy, and the male don't seem to be enjoying his time there.
While on the other side, in the real life world.... A boy is controlling the avatars, as they are part of his movie script. So therefore one can assume that both avatars have a meaningless existance.
Going back to the avatars, she questions what he considers to be art, and metaphorically a "King" represents what art is to him because a King is passionate, loveable, hateable. A king has control, and see's a world different from his people. A king is all thats good and all thats bad. Tho art is pleasant... It can be destroyed. The young male avatar considers SL to be art, and doesn't like the idea of avatars merging into real life worlds because the real life world should stay to its own kind, and every avatar on the grid should create beautiful artwork that is exclusive to their homes of Second Life, one example "University of Western Australia"
After the metaphor phase, which is a sub story within another story which is a story or should I say movie for a real life person. So 2 stories take place inside one guys mind who is making a movie.
Be sure to watch all of the video, even the bloopers."
Monday, October 31, 2011
'Black Shirt', Misprint Thursday's 3rd and final piece entered to the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge completed a collection of awards for herself as she took the L$10,000 1st Prize for the October Round after finishing 3rd & 2nd in previous previously. It was a close win over Blue Tsuki's heartfelt creation 'In Dreams' which won L$7,500. Harter Fall's protest piece, 99% took 3rd Prize, as well as the Pirats Prize and 2nd Prize for the People's Choice, winning L$11,000 in all. It is only the 4th Non-Scripted work to go through to the overall Grand Finale of the 59 that will feature. The biggest winner in L$ terms were RazorZ & Olga Soulstar, whose work, 'The Wild, Wild World of Illusion' won the People's Choice, The CARP Prize & the SL Art Prize (L$12,500 overall) and a spot in the Grand Finale. A 3-Way-Tie resulted in the Non-Scripted category with Secret Rage's 'Used Pieces', Silene Christen's 'Revolt of the Mannequins' and Rebeca Bashly's 'Small Piece of Hell...' all going through to the Grand Finale. Hl'adanie by Corcosman Voom won the Curator's Choice Award. This was the final monthly round, and it moves into the Grand Finale Phase across the month of November with the Grand Finale (and the announcement of the winner of the 1st prize of L$100,000) happening from 6am slt on Sunday the 11th of December. The will also be a People's Choice Winner for the Grand Finale. All of SL are invited to send your personal top 10 favourites from the works that qualified for the Grand Finale to Jayjay Zifanwe & FreeWee Ling.
Apmel on the October Round
Nordan Art Blog
LNL Blog
Temi Sirbu on October PART I, PART II, PART III, PART IV
More from Apmel Goosson Blog on October announcements
Complete photo archive of all 99 October entries will be published here: http://bit.ly/u28Bdu
1st Prize: (L$10,000)
project Z Prize: (L$5,000)
BLACK SHIRT by Misprint Thursday

"The quantity and quality of work in the final round is overwhelming. I feel fortunate to have been selected and part of such a creative community. Thank you. I'm in shock thank you!" Misprint Thursday
2nd Prize : ( L$7,500)
IN DREAMS by Blue Tsuki

"UWA has been one of the best and most generous resources for artists to display their work and become involved in the SL art community. Jayjay and Freewee have been the driving forces behind that and I marvel at their tenacity to herd all these cats! As always it is a pleasure working with them and participating at UWA. I am so surprised and honored to have won this prize!" Blue Tsuki
3rd Prize: (L$5,000)
Pirats Prize: (L$5,000)
People's Choice Award, 2nd Prize: (L$1,000)
99% by Harter Fall
"Thanks all so much for the prizes. I am overwhelmed by so much appreciation. Thanks to the jurors to vote for a political piece and to Freewee and Jayjay for 2 years of their outstanding work for art and culture." Harter Fall
Best Non-Scripted Prize (3-WAY TIE) : (@L$2,000)

USED PIECES by Secret Rage

"Winning is not everything...but it is very nice to be appreciated by your peers...it means so much and especially with this being the last month of the competition...thank you ao much for this award and for the experience!!" Secret Rage
SMALL PIECE OF HELL, The Suicide Forest Infested by Harpias by Rebeca Bashly

UTSA Prize: (L$5,000)

"I came to participate in the last ceremony for the monthly art challenge just to say good-bye. Didn't know I was on the list of winners. It's a great surprise, and a great sadness combined, that the Art Challenge is at an end. It brought artists together... not an easy task in SL. Thank you for your amazing work! What an honor to receive an award from UTSA. Hearing that they will soon be leaving SL, I recently went with a friend to say our good-byes to their art sim of inspiring installations. I wish this were rumor. My deep thanks to UTSA, and the UWA Art Challenge for having brought artists in SL together." Haveit Neox
CARP Prize: (L$5,000)
SL Art Prize: (L$5,000)
People's Choice Award, 1st Prize: (L$2,500)

"Amazed, thanks for the support from everyone. I have really enjoyed building & creating Art in sl, and UWA has been the best inspiration for me to explore new ideas & learn from others with more experience. I keep my fingers crossed for its future & pay respect. To win any prize here is a great achievement for me as I have to work extra long & hard to raise my work to the overall level of quality that I seen here each month throughout 2011. Some very late nights & painful struggles, but in the end I know it is worth it & becomes very satisfying when a piece is complete, other people are enjoying it & one receives nice compliments.
That particluar piece took a month or so to complete, and was inspired by a Wagon building tutorial a friend gave me, & also, another piece of Art from UWA around May time, called, The Getaway." RazorZ
Odyssey Prize: (L$5,000)
AERO 1 by Simotron Aquila
"It's such an onour for me to receive this prize, I'm at the beginning, lots to learn here... so, many many thx to people voted and supported me, to Odyssey for the recognition, and also, to Man Michinaga and Flora Nordenskiold to let me show what I've created! Finally, thx to UWA staff for the great work done and the support to SL artists" Simotron Aquila
Nordan Art Prize: (L$5,000)
SMALL PIECE OF HELL, The Suicide Forest Infested by Harpias by Rebeca Bashly

BOSL Prize: (L$5,000)

"This BOSL Prize is very much appreciated, my thanks to Frolic & Edi for their confidence in my work. Always feel like the win is the enjoyment of creation that precedes any piece hitting the UWA floor, having said so and with feet firmly planted on the ground, it's still a buzz for the extra recognition. My thanks also to Jayjay Zifanwe & FreeWee Ling, you two have invested a massive amount into the Second Life Arts Community via UWA and between that and your amazing temperament wrangling Artists you have my utmost respect." Eliza Wierwight
S&S Gallery OFA Prize (L$5,000)

"I always like to do something connected with the sea and the graceful movement of teh surfer in the wave and I hope i've captured this in Within the waves so I'm very pleased to have won this prize Thankyou to The Dove and her panel :))" Nish Mip
Tornado Gallery (L$5,000)

"A big thank you for your interest in my work, it was a very difficult month, many matches and always great work , I am pleased to have participated in this last challenge UWA. My build is quite different from what I usually do but I'm glad to see that this style (a little more colorful, lol) also pleases. Thanks again : )" Anley Piers
The Workhouse & Art place d-oo-b Prize (L$5,000)

"I'm no artist and have no idea about art. In RL I have never really taken an interest in art, other than my namesake Leon Botha, who died earlier this year. I have always been a little creative though and SL has given me a medium in which to express this. I make stuff and I enjoy it, if others like it then it's a bonus. I don't know much about art but I know crap when I see it. For the longest time in SL I was in search of "art" galleries/sims/exhibitions in SL, all of which seemed somewhat disappointing, made up mostly of uninspired twisty prims and textures. Then one day I found UWA and my cravings were fulfilled, a rich and thriving art environment full of what I consider the best examples of art and it's in SL. I've been coming back ever since and I'm always pleasantly surprised by the volume and variety of new creations. I would like to give half (of my prize) to my own favourite piece by London Junkers called "Waiting for Theberge". I really really liked it. The rest of the prize I will divide between my friends in SL who have more use for it than me. A big thankyou to everyone who liked my work, and thanks to UWA." Gfresh Botha
Phi Designs Prize (L$5,000)
BIG WINTER by Miso Susanowa

"Thank you; this was completely unexpected. I am glad I got to enter this piece, and more glad and grateful for the opportunity the UWA 3D Challenge has given me over the years to see so many works by others; to meet them, make friends and discuss art. The Monthly Challenge was a spur to creatitivy for myself and many. Thank you Jayjay, Quadrapop and FreeWee for all your hard work and dedication and to the University of Western Australia for providing the seed ground where so much art grew." Miso Susanowa
Curator's Choice Award (L$5,000):
HL'ADANIE by Corcosman Voom

"Thank you so much. FreeWee, for awarding the Curator's Choice prize for Hl'adanie.. UWA's art challenge has been a wonderful experience over the last two years and a big part of that is all the work put in by FreeWee Ling as curator. I am very grateful to have been able to participate in the challenge during the last two years. Thank you to everyone involved in the art challenge, Jayjay and UWA for making it happen, FreeWee Ling and quadrapop Lane for curating, and all the panelists and sponsors who made this such a vital and exciting event." Corcosman Voom
Greetings everyone, and welcome to the University of Western Australia, or UWA as she is known and also welcome to the OCTOBER round announcement of winners and party for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. As is tradition at UWA, I would like to acknowledge that the University is situated on Nyoongar land and that the Nyoongar people remain the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land and continue to uphold their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge.
This is the 12th and last of 12 monthly rounds for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. Following this will be the Grand Finale across the month of November, the the Grand Prize winner being announced from 6am slt on Sunday the 11th of December at the UWA-BOSL Grand Amphitheatre!
The first thing I would like to do is to thank and acknowledge the major art houses and groups in Second Life that are part of this Grand Collaboration. These include The University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA) led by Dr Carmen Fies, SL Art led by Gleman Jun & Sunset Quinnel, CARP led by Josina Burgess & Velazquez Bonetto, Pirats Art Network led by Merlina Rokocoko & Newbab Zsigmond, Odyssey led by Fau Ferdinand, Jo Ellsmere & Lizsolo Mathilde, BOSL led by Frolic Mills and Editorial Clarity, Nordan Art led by Flora Nordanskiold, S&S Gallery of Fine Art led by TheDove Rhode, The Workhouse Gallery led by Astarte Haalan, Art Place d-oo-b led by Eifachfilm Vacirca, The Tornado Gallery led by Taralyn Gravois, project Z led by Zachh Cale and UWA with Professor Ted Snell, Chair of the Visual Arts Board of the Australia Council for the Arts as Chair of the UWA judging panel.
UWA would also like to acknowledge fellow sponsors, MidnightRain Glas, Philip Vought, Patch Thibaud and Aino Baar of Open This End. And also TheDove Rhode who has kindly stepped in to be a Grand Finale sponsor as well.
A record 99 entries were received for the OCTOBER round, covering every inch of this sim-wide 'Living Gallery'! As always, I love seeing new artists (to the UWA Challenges), and in the OCTOBER round we welcomed briarwinde Magic, Asperix Asp, Bloo Ansar, Dudi, Ha Imako, Leigh Quartz, Lilia Artis, London Junkers, Lovely Huntress, Lucignolo, Luna Metamorphia, Nima Benoir, Pol baxton, Sea Mizin, Simotron Aquila, ytu Shan, Ush Underwood, vasiliki Decosta, Vixen Quandry and Zeno ochs (fredx).
We have been through 24 amazing monthly rounds since all this started in August 2009 and more than 400 artists have been involved with more than 1,700 artworks being part of the UWA 3D Art & Design Challenge and the current UWA 3D Open Art Challenge.
This L$1,415,000 challenge has seen more than L$100,000 being distributed each month, and today won't be any different with the Grand Prize winner on the 11th of December L$100,000. The many contributions coming in from everyone through the little donations receiver have this year been put towards special prizes, including the Curator's Choice Award. Anything received after today will go to the Grand Finale pool.
It is important to me to also acknowledge everyone who did contribute over the month towards prizes across the year and the Grand Finale. Thank you paleillussion, Eliza Wierwight, Arrow Inglewood, Milly Sharple, Gumby Roffo, Holala Alter, Armany Thursday, Mouehane Sandalwood, Hypatia Pickens, Ruby Miggins, EdwardIV Beaumont, Lanna Beningbrough, Sanadee Darkstone, Thoth Jantzen, Emsi Zobovic and Soundsmith Kamachi.
As always I acknowledge the international connections made through SL, and up to now, the various challenges have seen artists, builders and machinimatographers hailing from Greece, India, Colombia, Poland, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Ukraine, Taiwan, Hungary, Latvia, Russia, Venezuela, Belgium, Mexico, Wales, Canada, the USA, the UK, Uruguay, Scotland,England, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, France, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Denmark, Holland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Portugal, Austria, Cuba, Serbia, Tunisia, Germany, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. More than 40 nations with 6 of the 7 continents of the world represented..... but try as we may, we failed to get a representative from Antarctica!
At this point I would like for all of you to help me acknowledge the amazing work required to keep all of this going. Curator of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge & Creator of this gallery ....... FreeWee Ling.
Do check out the amazing photo galleries she has put together over the months https://picasaweb.google.com/freeweel
As always many things happened since the last announcements.
We had the amazing Pia Klaar produce a sublime winners Machinima for the September round:
And we have the brilliant Bert Jedburgh to bring us home with the October winners machinima! completing the journey started by Iono Allen in the original UWA 3D Art & Design Challenge series.
The amazing artworks have provided the perfect material for the L$300,000 MachininUWA IV: Art of the Artists. The most recent submissions for this have come from Persephone Requiem & Daki Aries, with NicoleX Moonwall submitting a jaw dropping 16 machinima each based on a different artwork! The total number of entries now stands at 54, eclipsing the 50 we had from machinimUWA III. The challenge here is to create a machinima that features some (or one) of the artworks submitted to the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. You can choose to film as many (or as few) as you like, and you may submit any number of entries. The theme is wide open, only the subject matter is fixed in that it must have been exhibited at some point for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. This is a tribute to all of you, the wonderful 3D artists who have created all the masterful works that surround you now. Under a fortnight remaining before the 10th of November closing date, so do encourage any colleagues of yours who create machinima to work with you and your creations.
Also, the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge Gallery has been the venue for part of a 2nd Year Humanities and Culture Course, "In Other Worlds: Art and Artists in 3D Multi-User Environments" at York University, Toronto, Canada. Rasaec (RL: Lecturer C.Steele), is teaching the course to 30 students through December. UWA have been and will be assisting York University by serving as a conduit between the students and artists. I knwo some of the students have already contacted a number of you, and I hope to receive the assignments they write.
UWA students also had a joint class with studenmts from the University of Geneva. It was the first time students from Australia and Swiss universities were working on a single project using SL. Here they had to complete an activity that was set in Virtual Dublin, and this activity was created by UWA's award winning lecturer, A/Professor Wade Halvorson. many of you assisted with this. I thank you for it.
In something extremely satisfying for myself personally, 2 fully referreed conference publications on aspects of Second Life I had been co-author of were accepted for publication. One for the 2011 Ascilite Conference in Hobart, Tasmania http://www.leishman-associates.com.au/ascilite2011/, which was a collaborative paper between 28 Australian universities, the other paper being accepted to the 22nd Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education in Fremantle in December http://www.aaee.com.au/conferences/2011/
Additionally, both FreeWee Ling and I had separate papers accepted for the proceedings of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference at Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI),
On the 1st of October we also kicked off both the LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES and the UWA SKY SIM SERIES with Rebeca Bashly's 'Inferno' and & jjccc Coronet's Art. The will both be there till midnight SLT 31st October. So just about one day and a bit left. if you havent seen them, you have missed something incredible. In particular, I have not seen an art installation that has had the amount of publicity and machinima created about it than rebeca bashly's Inferno. Its all linked on the following. Please save the link and check them out.
Also following on from this, the LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES for November will see Tyrehl Byk's Catharsis, which is an immersive, 24 minute adventure ride into the curious, the irreverent, through the sublime, and back out the other side. Using a specially scripted theater, Byk takes control of the audience's cameras and synchronizes a sequence of scenes that rely heavily, but not exclusively on the use of particle effects to interpret a musical track including compositions in a variety of styles from contemporary to classical.
The LEA Blog & UWA Blog will have more details as they come in.
The UWA SKY SIM ART SERIES will see RazorZ take over from jjccc Coronet. The links between these 2 exist is other spheres as well, as jjccc shot a very nice machinima of RazorZ's Wild West October entry to this challenge.
Now a little bit on the Grand Finale and how it works. Again the grand finale will be from 6am slt Sunday 11th December. 59 artworks have been shortlisted for the Grand finale based on them finishing in the top 3 each month OR if they won more than one group prize in any given month. For the Non-Scripted 24 artworks have been shortlisted. As usual there is a large judging panel, and 1st prize overall will get L$100,000, L$75,000 (2nd), L$50,000 (3rd), L$20,000 (4th), L$10,000 (5th) and L$5,000 each for 6th - 10th. For Non-Scripted it is L$15,000 for 1st, followed by L$10,000 (2nd), L$5,000 (3rd), L$3,000 (4th), L$2,000 (5th) and L$1,000 each for 6th - 10th. There will also be a People's Choice Award. For the people's choice, detailed NC's with locations of artworks are being finalized and will be sent to all. Basically what we will ask you to do is to send in a top 10 in order for both the overall, and for the non-scripted on a NC to both myself and FreeWee. So it won't be voting at the artwork itself. You are asked to set out your own choice for the top 10 on a NC.
I have explained previously, this October Round is the final monthly round of the art challenges at UWA. Monthly art challenges at UWA have come to a close. HOWEVER, this DOES NOT mean that its the end of art at UWA. The art gallery will remain, and revert to how galleries normally operate, and FreeWee Ling will continue as curator.
The only thing ending is MONTHLY art challenges. There will be a major art challenge probably in the middle of 2012, and MachinimUWA V will also be run in 2012. Both will have a theme and will be relatively open but loosely tied to UWA's centenary in RL as she is 100 years old. So everything remains the same at UWA, Teaching, Research, Architecture and Art in general. The only change will be that there will no longer be a monthly art challenge.
I would like to acknowledge the members of the UWA judging panel. On the panel were:
1. Professor Ted Snell (RL) - Director, Cultural Precinct, The University of Western Australia
2. Raphaella Nightfire (SL) - Snr Writer Best of SL Magazine, Owner Sanctorum Gallery
3. Len Zuks (RL) - Award Winning West Australian Sculpturist
4. FreeWee Ling (SL) - Curator, UWA 3D Open Art Challenge
5. Laetitia Wilson (RL) - Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts, UWA
6. Lyn DiCiero (RL) - Editor, WA Artist's Chronicle
7. Julia Alessandrini - Curator (Public and Academic Programs), Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery & UWA Museums
8. And data entry clerk ...... Yours Truly
Those who followed procedings last year would know that for the Grand Finale, the panel expands to include many SL Art personalities, and for this new challenge, the expanded panel will include:
1. Sasun Steinbeck - Creator of the Art Galleries of SL list at http://sasun.info/ArtGalleriesofSL.aspx
2. Tayzia Abattoir (SL) Owner of The Oldest Virtual World Art Museum in SL, curator of the Aho Museum & Arts Simulacra on the NMC Campus and Relay For LIfe of SL Event Chair
3. Lumiere Noir (SL) - Creator of the Ivory Tower Library of Primitives
4. Dr. Phylis Johnson (RL) - Media Professor, Southern Illinois Uinversity, Author - Machinima: Aesthetics and Practice (a.k.a, Sonicity Fitzroy, SL Virtual Journalist)
5. Rowan Derryth (SL) - Art & Design Historian; Writer for Prim Perfect Publications
6. Persia Bravin (SL) - Journalist and Media Producer (SL newspapers, magazines, radio and television)
7 Dr Carmen Fies (RL) - Second Life Lead: University of Texas San Antonio & UTSA Artspace
8. Apollo Manga (SL) - examiner.com Writer & Novelist
9. Jordan Whitt (SL) - Editor in Chief, ICON Lifestyle Magazine
10. Mariposa Upshaw (SL) - Curator - Ventura Art & Jardine; Officer, Arts Council of Second Life
11. Saffia Widdershins (SL) - Owner and Editor of Prim Perfect Publications
12. Phillip Vought (SL) - Art Philanthropist & Founding Patron of UWA-BOSL Amphitheatre
13. Bohemian Ghost (SL) - Art Philanthropist & Owner of Summerland Estates
14. Ally Aeon (SL) - Founder Aeonia Artist Group, creator/owner of the art region Aeonia
15. Aino Baar (SL) - Owner of the Open This End Group
16. Apmel Goosson - Scandinavian Author/Publisher
Now for the winners. The winners will be announced in 1 minute intervals. We invite everyone to comment and congratulate the winners and for the winners to respond before the next announcement (and if they could please use the SHOUT function). Also prizes will be given immediately following the announcements, so if you have won, please do stay till the end of the announcements.
First the People's Choice Awards. For this, I always start off by thanking GeeJAnn Blackadder, who created this wonderful voting system for us. Its been working a treat since being set up, and greatly assists in the running of the People's Choice!
The People's Choice Award, where all of SL is invited to vote, carries a 1st ($L2,500) and a 2nd prize ($L1,000). More than a 1,000 votes/points were split across the the artworks
For the PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD, 2nd prize (L$1,000) goes to:
99% by Harter Fall
AND, in a close battle, the winner of the OCTOBER PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD (L$2,500) is:
Very strong in the voting for the People's Choice Award (and in no particular order) were:
Unplugged by Dudi, In Dreams by Blue Tsuki, Mirrow Worlds by Fae Varriale, Mourning Goya by London Junkers, The Fly-By-Night Eggs by Kobuk Farshore, The Kachinas by Fiona Blaylock, History of Falls by Anley Piers and Waiting for Theberge by London Junkers.
TWELVE Art Group Prizes of L$5,000 each have been awarded by the various judging panels for the OCTOBER Round of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge:
The Odyssey Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Fau Ferdinand, Joe Ellsmere & Lizsolo Mathilde goes to
AERO 1 by Simotron Aquila
The CARP Prize (L$5,000) whose focus is on scripting with a panel led by Velasquez Bonnetto & Josina Burgess goes to:
Said the panel, "The CARP Prizeis for best use of script and originality. It was again difficult because there were several works with a nice use of scripts. Idea (concept), artform, scripting, and possibilities of the script was for CARP a great joy to watch. CARP gives the prize to Razorz & Olga for their work with humor, interaction and build quality . .."
The SL Art Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Gleman Jun & Sunset Quinnell goes to:
2 group awards for RazorZ and Olga, means this work is the first one through to the Grand Finale for the October Round!
The UTSA Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Dr Carmen Fies goes to:
haveit almost didnt submit this, as he was preparing for the LEA FULL SIM ART Series, but in the final week decided to send in a preview, and good thing he did!
Next the joint Workhouse & Art Place d-o-o-b Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Astarte Haalan and Elfachfilm Vacirca goes to:
In discussing this work, the judges explained, "Both for great artistic merit and in a spirit of solidarity with the various Occupy movements in SL and around the world, Art Place d-oo-b and the Workhouse Gallery select I Got 99 Problems and the Rich Ain’t One, by Gfresh Botha, for their October award. Only our lackadaisical press corps could miss the irony of the title, as a giant fist shatters the US Bill of Rights and replaces it with a projection of the source of so much conflict, the Almighty Dollar. Like greed and envy, the dollar glows a putrid green, hanging above us, ominous, wraith-like in its haunting power. We agree—the rich are not the problem. But the concentration of wealth and power in the few, and the trampling of our rights and freedoms, the disregard of our security and well-being is. Keep your lousy dollar. We want our world back."
Don't you just love Eifa's descriptions. They deserve an award in and of themselves.
The BOSL Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Frolic Mills & Editorial Clarity goes to:
The Nordan Art Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Flora Nordenskiold goes to:
SMALL PIECE OF HELL, The Suicide Forest Infested by Harpias by Rebeca Bashly
Commenting on the work, the panel said, "This work is part of larger work named Inferno, which in turn is based on the first part of Dante Alighieri’s Fourteenth-Century poem, the Divine Comedy. The suicide forest is part of the seventh circle (Violence). The Suicide Forest Infested by Harpias consists of trees and two figures. Textures, shapes and composition are outstanding. The trees are gray and barren; their trunks firmly positioned in the ground and branches stretching to the sides like spears. The figures are gray as well; rib cages pronounced, birdlike legs and feet, feminine frozen faces and large wings. Watching this scene, one is overcome by the dread and beauty of it. There is a sense of having become part of a movie or perhaps a painting. Rebeca's work stands out to Nordan Art because she utilizes the highest level of craftmanship to express emotion and with it captures a sense of melancholy beauty, so rare. ."
The Pirats Prize: (L$5,000) with a panel led by Merlina Rokocoko & Newbab Zsigmond goes to:
99% by Harter Fall
The Tornado Gallery Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Taralyn Gravois goes to:
The S&S Gallery OFA Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by TheDove Rhode goes to:
Commenting on the work, the panel shared, "...something from a time of warm days and warm rays... rising up and moving forward... smiling along the way.... with careful balance, and a of mind full of expections ... nerves steady and eyes forward.. I stood and held a moment of splenor... the wall of blue... seas thunder ... Like a moment in time, once again I see the beauty..."
The project Z Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Zachh Cale goes to:
BLACK SHIRT by Misprint Thursday
The Phi Designs Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Ginger Alsop goes to:
BIG WINTER by Miso Susanowa
The Phi Designs panel had a difficult time with submissions this month because the quality made it very difficult to judge. 14 submissions were considered for the award, and the following 2 where also ranked very highly, "Flight to freedom" by Fae Varriale and "The Machine" by Cherry Manga.
Said one of the panel, "As a resident of Canada, there is a reality of the harshess of winter that those in warmer climates may appreciate but don't really understand. I could have been in that situation. It hits you when a piece reminds of you of what could have been. For me there was a coldness ... not in temperature, but in the desolation of what it meant. I felt sorry for a figure who seemed abandoned. It released a lot of emotion and nearly brought me to tears. For me that's what good art is. It's not the piece itself, but the what the piece says to you. To me, 'Big Winter' was 1st, nothing else really moved me the same way."
Next, the Curator's Choice award is chosen by FreeWee Ling:
The OCTOBER Curator's Choice Award (L$5,000) goes to:
HL'ADANIE by Corcosman Voom
In FreeWee's words::
Corcosman is one of those artists who never fail to intrigue me. His pieces often not obvious, They may seem simple at first glance, but if you take the time to really study them, you will often find there is much depth of thought behind them. I was curious about the title of this piece, so through some arcane Google searching I finally discovered that it is a Slovak word that means "search" or "seek". I couldn't just leave it at that, so I talked to the artist, I learned that this is a metaphorical piece -- the complex insect-like figure emerges from a simple prim base in a quest for understanding, the very literal apple being the archetypal symbol of the desire for knowledge, ... I'm glad I asked :)
Now for the Best Non-Scripted entry. The OCTOBER round had any number of works that could have taken first prize. The panel however had a responsibility to select a winner from this amazing collection of art, as the winner goes straight to the Grand Finale. And so, the OCTOBER winner of the Best Non-Scripted Entry is:
USED PIECES by Secret Rage
Remember I said the panel had a responsibility to select a winner? Well, we completely shirked our responsibility, but only due to the quality of the works. We have a joint winner for the Non-Scripted. And so, the OCTOBER winner of the Best Non-Scripted Entry ALSO is:
BUT WAIT! The responsibility shirking was complete in that we have a 3-WAY TIE for the Best Non-Scripted Artwork prize. And this to complete the list, the OCTOBER winner for the Non-Scripted Category is:
SMALL PIECE OF HELL, The Suicide Forest Infested by Harpias by Rebeca Bashly
Each work will receive L$2,000 (which is a little more than a straight split of the L$5,000 allocated for the Non-Scripted Prize)
Now for the top 3 Prizes. All of these works also go straight to the Grand Finale round. It's no fun at all choosing 3 works out of 99 from such a high quality round. We however did manage to get through the top 3 without any ties.
3rd Prize (L$5,000) for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge fo OCTOBER goes to:
99% by Harter Fall
If I'm not mistaken its only the 4th time a non-scripted piece has finished in the top 3. Was touch and go between this piece and the 2nd place winner.
Moving on, 2nd Prize (L$7,500) for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for OCTOBER is:
IN DREAMS by Blue Tsuki
A brilliant artwork that inspired Sophia Yates to create a machinima about it within 24 hours of it being set up at the UWA Gallery.
Now to the winner of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for OCTOBER, following in the footsteps of past champions Snubnose Genopeak, Glyph Graves, Atomic Gaffer, Fuschia Nightfire/Flivelwitz Alsop, Julez Odigaunt, FreeWee Ling, Bryn Oh, Nish Mip, Josina Burgess, Cherry Manga, Igor Ballyhoo, Suzanne Graves, Lea Supermarine/Jarapanda Snook, Ginger Alsop, Gleman Jun, Dusty Canning, L1aura Loire, Emilin Nakamori, Artistide Despres and paleillusion.
The final month adds a new name to that illustrious list! It is with great pleasure that we announce that the Winner of 1st Prize (L$10,000) for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for OCTOBER 2011 is:
BLACK SHIRT - Misprint Thursday
This completes a remarkable sequence for Misprint, as her first piece this year won 3rd, her 2nd piece finished 2nd, and her final piece taking 1st at the final monthly round at UWA!
If anyone wants an NC with the full results, please IM myself or FreeWee Ling
Congratulations to all the winners and a big thank you to all the artists who have entered the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge across the year. We are officially receiving machinima for 10 days and a bit, and it closes on the 10th of November. If you are a machinimatographer, we hope to see some works from you, if your colleagues are machinimatographers, do work with them to showcase your work and those of others! Also, do remember the date for the grand finale round, which is 6am slt Sunday 11th December.
'Black Shirt', Misprint Thursday's 3rd and final piece entered to the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge completed a collection of awards for herself as she took the L$10,000 1st Prize for the October Round after finishing 3rd & 2nd in previous previously. It was a close win over Blue Tsuki's heartfelt creation 'In Dreams' which won L$7,500. Harter Fall's protest piece, 99% took 3rd Prize, as well as the Pirats Prize and 2nd Prize for the People's Choice, winning L$11,000 in all. It is only the 4th Non-Scripted work to go through to the overall Grand Finale of the 59 that will feature. The biggest winner in L$ terms were RazorZ & Olga Soulstar, whose work, 'The Wild, Wild World of Illusion' won the People's Choice, The CARP Prize & the SL Art Prize (L$12,500 overall) and a spot in the Grand Finale. A 3-Way-Tie resulted in the Non-Scripted category with Secret Rage's 'Used Pieces', Silene Christen's 'Revolt of the Mannequins' and Rebeca Bashly's 'Small Piece of Hell...' all going through to the Grand Finale. Hl'adanie by Corcosman Voom won the Curator's Choice Award. This was the final monthly round, and it moves into the Grand Finale Phase across the month of November with the Grand Finale (and the announcement of the winner of the 1st prize of L$100,000) happening from 6am slt on Sunday the 11th of December. The will also be a People's Choice Winner for the Grand Finale. All of SL are invited to send your personal top 10 favourites from the works that qualified for the Grand Finale to Jayjay Zifanwe & FreeWee Ling.
Apmel on the October Round
Nordan Art Blog
LNL Blog
Temi Sirbu on October PART I, PART II, PART III, PART IV
More from Apmel Goosson Blog on October announcements
Complete photo archive of all 99 October entries will be published here: http://bit.ly/u28Bdu
1st Prize: (L$10,000)
project Z Prize: (L$5,000)
BLACK SHIRT by Misprint Thursday

"The quantity and quality of work in the final round is overwhelming. I feel fortunate to have been selected and part of such a creative community. Thank you. I'm in shock thank you!" Misprint Thursday
2nd Prize : ( L$7,500)
IN DREAMS by Blue Tsuki

"UWA has been one of the best and most generous resources for artists to display their work and become involved in the SL art community. Jayjay and Freewee have been the driving forces behind that and I marvel at their tenacity to herd all these cats! As always it is a pleasure working with them and participating at UWA. I am so surprised and honored to have won this prize!" Blue Tsuki
3rd Prize: (L$5,000)
Pirats Prize: (L$5,000)
People's Choice Award, 2nd Prize: (L$1,000)
99% by Harter Fall

"Thanks all so much for the prizes. I am overwhelmed by so much appreciation. Thanks to the jurors to vote for a political piece and to Freewee and Jayjay for 2 years of their outstanding work for art and culture." Harter Fall
Best Non-Scripted Prize (3-WAY TIE) : (@L$2,000)

USED PIECES by Secret Rage

"Winning is not everything...but it is very nice to be appreciated by your peers...it means so much and especially with this being the last month of the competition...thank you ao much for this award and for the experience!!" Secret Rage
SMALL PIECE OF HELL, The Suicide Forest Infested by Harpias by Rebeca Bashly

UTSA Prize: (L$5,000)

"I came to participate in the last ceremony for the monthly art challenge just to say good-bye. Didn't know I was on the list of winners. It's a great surprise, and a great sadness combined, that the Art Challenge is at an end. It brought artists together... not an easy task in SL. Thank you for your amazing work! What an honor to receive an award from UTSA. Hearing that they will soon be leaving SL, I recently went with a friend to say our good-byes to their art sim of inspiring installations. I wish this were rumor. My deep thanks to UTSA, and the UWA Art Challenge for having brought artists in SL together." Haveit Neox
CARP Prize: (L$5,000)
SL Art Prize: (L$5,000)
People's Choice Award, 1st Prize: (L$2,500)

"Amazed, thanks for the support from everyone. I have really enjoyed building & creating Art in sl, and UWA has been the best inspiration for me to explore new ideas & learn from others with more experience. I keep my fingers crossed for its future & pay respect. To win any prize here is a great achievement for me as I have to work extra long & hard to raise my work to the overall level of quality that I seen here each month throughout 2011. Some very late nights & painful struggles, but in the end I know it is worth it & becomes very satisfying when a piece is complete, other people are enjoying it & one receives nice compliments.
That particluar piece took a month or so to complete, and was inspired by a Wagon building tutorial a friend gave me, & also, another piece of Art from UWA around May time, called, The Getaway." RazorZ
Odyssey Prize: (L$5,000)
AERO 1 by Simotron Aquila

Nordan Art Prize: (L$5,000)
SMALL PIECE OF HELL, The Suicide Forest Infested by Harpias by Rebeca Bashly

BOSL Prize: (L$5,000)

"This BOSL Prize is very much appreciated, my thanks to Frolic & Edi for their confidence in my work. Always feel like the win is the enjoyment of creation that precedes any piece hitting the UWA floor, having said so and with feet firmly planted on the ground, it's still a buzz for the extra recognition. My thanks also to Jayjay Zifanwe & FreeWee Ling, you two have invested a massive amount into the Second Life Arts Community via UWA and between that and your amazing temperament wrangling Artists you have my utmost respect." Eliza Wierwight
S&S Gallery OFA Prize (L$5,000)

"I always like to do something connected with the sea and the graceful movement of teh surfer in the wave and I hope i've captured this in Within the waves so I'm very pleased to have won this prize Thankyou to The Dove and her panel :))" Nish Mip
Tornado Gallery (L$5,000)

"A big thank you for your interest in my work, it was a very difficult month, many matches and always great work , I am pleased to have participated in this last challenge UWA. My build is quite different from what I usually do but I'm glad to see that this style (a little more colorful, lol) also pleases. Thanks again : )" Anley Piers
The Workhouse & Art place d-oo-b Prize (L$5,000)

"I'm no artist and have no idea about art. In RL I have never really taken an interest in art, other than my namesake Leon Botha, who died earlier this year. I have always been a little creative though and SL has given me a medium in which to express this. I make stuff and I enjoy it, if others like it then it's a bonus. I don't know much about art but I know crap when I see it. For the longest time in SL I was in search of "art" galleries/sims/exhibitions in SL, all of which seemed somewhat disappointing, made up mostly of uninspired twisty prims and textures. Then one day I found UWA and my cravings were fulfilled, a rich and thriving art environment full of what I consider the best examples of art and it's in SL. I've been coming back ever since and I'm always pleasantly surprised by the volume and variety of new creations. I would like to give half (of my prize) to my own favourite piece by London Junkers called "Waiting for Theberge". I really really liked it. The rest of the prize I will divide between my friends in SL who have more use for it than me. A big thankyou to everyone who liked my work, and thanks to UWA." Gfresh Botha
Phi Designs Prize (L$5,000)
BIG WINTER by Miso Susanowa

"Thank you; this was completely unexpected. I am glad I got to enter this piece, and more glad and grateful for the opportunity the UWA 3D Challenge has given me over the years to see so many works by others; to meet them, make friends and discuss art. The Monthly Challenge was a spur to creatitivy for myself and many. Thank you Jayjay, Quadrapop and FreeWee for all your hard work and dedication and to the University of Western Australia for providing the seed ground where so much art grew." Miso Susanowa
Curator's Choice Award (L$5,000):
HL'ADANIE by Corcosman Voom

"Thank you so much. FreeWee, for awarding the Curator's Choice prize for Hl'adanie.. UWA's art challenge has been a wonderful experience over the last two years and a big part of that is all the work put in by FreeWee Ling as curator. I am very grateful to have been able to participate in the challenge during the last two years. Thank you to everyone involved in the art challenge, Jayjay and UWA for making it happen, FreeWee Ling and quadrapop Lane for curating, and all the panelists and sponsors who made this such a vital and exciting event." Corcosman Voom
For anyone interested in seeing the full text of the announcement by Jayjay Zifanwe, delivered from 6am slt on SUNDAY,30th October, it is reproduced as follows:
Greetings everyone, and welcome to the University of Western Australia, or UWA as she is known and also welcome to the OCTOBER round announcement of winners and party for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. As is tradition at UWA, I would like to acknowledge that the University is situated on Nyoongar land and that the Nyoongar people remain the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land and continue to uphold their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge.
This is the 12th and last of 12 monthly rounds for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. Following this will be the Grand Finale across the month of November, the the Grand Prize winner being announced from 6am slt on Sunday the 11th of December at the UWA-BOSL Grand Amphitheatre!
The first thing I would like to do is to thank and acknowledge the major art houses and groups in Second Life that are part of this Grand Collaboration. These include The University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA) led by Dr Carmen Fies, SL Art led by Gleman Jun & Sunset Quinnel, CARP led by Josina Burgess & Velazquez Bonetto, Pirats Art Network led by Merlina Rokocoko & Newbab Zsigmond, Odyssey led by Fau Ferdinand, Jo Ellsmere & Lizsolo Mathilde, BOSL led by Frolic Mills and Editorial Clarity, Nordan Art led by Flora Nordanskiold, S&S Gallery of Fine Art led by TheDove Rhode, The Workhouse Gallery led by Astarte Haalan, Art Place d-oo-b led by Eifachfilm Vacirca, The Tornado Gallery led by Taralyn Gravois, project Z led by Zachh Cale and UWA with Professor Ted Snell, Chair of the Visual Arts Board of the Australia Council for the Arts as Chair of the UWA judging panel.
UWA would also like to acknowledge fellow sponsors, MidnightRain Glas, Philip Vought, Patch Thibaud and Aino Baar of Open This End. And also TheDove Rhode who has kindly stepped in to be a Grand Finale sponsor as well.
A record 99 entries were received for the OCTOBER round, covering every inch of this sim-wide 'Living Gallery'! As always, I love seeing new artists (to the UWA Challenges), and in the OCTOBER round we welcomed briarwinde Magic, Asperix Asp, Bloo Ansar, Dudi, Ha Imako, Leigh Quartz, Lilia Artis, London Junkers, Lovely Huntress, Lucignolo, Luna Metamorphia, Nima Benoir, Pol baxton, Sea Mizin, Simotron Aquila, ytu Shan, Ush Underwood, vasiliki Decosta, Vixen Quandry and Zeno ochs (fredx).
We have been through 24 amazing monthly rounds since all this started in August 2009 and more than 400 artists have been involved with more than 1,700 artworks being part of the UWA 3D Art & Design Challenge and the current UWA 3D Open Art Challenge.
This L$1,415,000 challenge has seen more than L$100,000 being distributed each month, and today won't be any different with the Grand Prize winner on the 11th of December L$100,000. The many contributions coming in from everyone through the little donations receiver have this year been put towards special prizes, including the Curator's Choice Award. Anything received after today will go to the Grand Finale pool.
It is important to me to also acknowledge everyone who did contribute over the month towards prizes across the year and the Grand Finale. Thank you paleillussion, Eliza Wierwight, Arrow Inglewood, Milly Sharple, Gumby Roffo, Holala Alter, Armany Thursday, Mouehane Sandalwood, Hypatia Pickens, Ruby Miggins, EdwardIV Beaumont, Lanna Beningbrough, Sanadee Darkstone, Thoth Jantzen, Emsi Zobovic and Soundsmith Kamachi.
As always I acknowledge the international connections made through SL, and up to now, the various challenges have seen artists, builders and machinimatographers hailing from Greece, India, Colombia, Poland, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Ukraine, Taiwan, Hungary, Latvia, Russia, Venezuela, Belgium, Mexico, Wales, Canada, the USA, the UK, Uruguay, Scotland,England, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, France, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Denmark, Holland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Portugal, Austria, Cuba, Serbia, Tunisia, Germany, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. More than 40 nations with 6 of the 7 continents of the world represented..... but try as we may, we failed to get a representative from Antarctica!
At this point I would like for all of you to help me acknowledge the amazing work required to keep all of this going. Curator of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge & Creator of this gallery ....... FreeWee Ling.
Do check out the amazing photo galleries she has put together over the months https://picasaweb.google.com/freeweel
As always many things happened since the last announcements.
We had the amazing Pia Klaar produce a sublime winners Machinima for the September round:
And we have the brilliant Bert Jedburgh to bring us home with the October winners machinima! completing the journey started by Iono Allen in the original UWA 3D Art & Design Challenge series.
The amazing artworks have provided the perfect material for the L$300,000 MachininUWA IV: Art of the Artists. The most recent submissions for this have come from Persephone Requiem & Daki Aries, with NicoleX Moonwall submitting a jaw dropping 16 machinima each based on a different artwork! The total number of entries now stands at 54, eclipsing the 50 we had from machinimUWA III. The challenge here is to create a machinima that features some (or one) of the artworks submitted to the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. You can choose to film as many (or as few) as you like, and you may submit any number of entries. The theme is wide open, only the subject matter is fixed in that it must have been exhibited at some point for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. This is a tribute to all of you, the wonderful 3D artists who have created all the masterful works that surround you now. Under a fortnight remaining before the 10th of November closing date, so do encourage any colleagues of yours who create machinima to work with you and your creations.
Also, the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge Gallery has been the venue for part of a 2nd Year Humanities and Culture Course, "In Other Worlds: Art and Artists in 3D Multi-User Environments" at York University, Toronto, Canada. Rasaec (RL: Lecturer C.Steele), is teaching the course to 30 students through December. UWA have been and will be assisting York University by serving as a conduit between the students and artists. I knwo some of the students have already contacted a number of you, and I hope to receive the assignments they write.
UWA students also had a joint class with studenmts from the University of Geneva. It was the first time students from Australia and Swiss universities were working on a single project using SL. Here they had to complete an activity that was set in Virtual Dublin, and this activity was created by UWA's award winning lecturer, A/Professor Wade Halvorson. many of you assisted with this. I thank you for it.
In something extremely satisfying for myself personally, 2 fully referreed conference publications on aspects of Second Life I had been co-author of were accepted for publication. One for the 2011 Ascilite Conference in Hobart, Tasmania http://www.leishman-associates.com.au/ascilite2011/, which was a collaborative paper between 28 Australian universities, the other paper being accepted to the 22nd Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education in Fremantle in December http://www.aaee.com.au/conferences/2011/
Additionally, both FreeWee Ling and I had separate papers accepted for the proceedings of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference at Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI),
On the 1st of October we also kicked off both the LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES and the UWA SKY SIM SERIES with Rebeca Bashly's 'Inferno' and & jjccc Coronet's Art. The will both be there till midnight SLT 31st October. So just about one day and a bit left. if you havent seen them, you have missed something incredible. In particular, I have not seen an art installation that has had the amount of publicity and machinima created about it than rebeca bashly's Inferno. Its all linked on the following. Please save the link and check them out.
Also following on from this, the LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES for November will see Tyrehl Byk's Catharsis, which is an immersive, 24 minute adventure ride into the curious, the irreverent, through the sublime, and back out the other side. Using a specially scripted theater, Byk takes control of the audience's cameras and synchronizes a sequence of scenes that rely heavily, but not exclusively on the use of particle effects to interpret a musical track including compositions in a variety of styles from contemporary to classical.
The LEA Blog & UWA Blog will have more details as they come in.
The UWA SKY SIM ART SERIES will see RazorZ take over from jjccc Coronet. The links between these 2 exist is other spheres as well, as jjccc shot a very nice machinima of RazorZ's Wild West October entry to this challenge.
Now a little bit on the Grand Finale and how it works. Again the grand finale will be from 6am slt Sunday 11th December. 59 artworks have been shortlisted for the Grand finale based on them finishing in the top 3 each month OR if they won more than one group prize in any given month. For the Non-Scripted 24 artworks have been shortlisted. As usual there is a large judging panel, and 1st prize overall will get L$100,000, L$75,000 (2nd), L$50,000 (3rd), L$20,000 (4th), L$10,000 (5th) and L$5,000 each for 6th - 10th. For Non-Scripted it is L$15,000 for 1st, followed by L$10,000 (2nd), L$5,000 (3rd), L$3,000 (4th), L$2,000 (5th) and L$1,000 each for 6th - 10th. There will also be a People's Choice Award. For the people's choice, detailed NC's with locations of artworks are being finalized and will be sent to all. Basically what we will ask you to do is to send in a top 10 in order for both the overall, and for the non-scripted on a NC to both myself and FreeWee. So it won't be voting at the artwork itself. You are asked to set out your own choice for the top 10 on a NC.
I have explained previously, this October Round is the final monthly round of the art challenges at UWA. Monthly art challenges at UWA have come to a close. HOWEVER, this DOES NOT mean that its the end of art at UWA. The art gallery will remain, and revert to how galleries normally operate, and FreeWee Ling will continue as curator.
The only thing ending is MONTHLY art challenges. There will be a major art challenge probably in the middle of 2012, and MachinimUWA V will also be run in 2012. Both will have a theme and will be relatively open but loosely tied to UWA's centenary in RL as she is 100 years old. So everything remains the same at UWA, Teaching, Research, Architecture and Art in general. The only change will be that there will no longer be a monthly art challenge.
I would like to acknowledge the members of the UWA judging panel. On the panel were:
1. Professor Ted Snell (RL) - Director, Cultural Precinct, The University of Western Australia
2. Raphaella Nightfire (SL) - Snr Writer Best of SL Magazine, Owner Sanctorum Gallery
3. Len Zuks (RL) - Award Winning West Australian Sculpturist
4. FreeWee Ling (SL) - Curator, UWA 3D Open Art Challenge
5. Laetitia Wilson (RL) - Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts, UWA
6. Lyn DiCiero (RL) - Editor, WA Artist's Chronicle
7. Julia Alessandrini - Curator (Public and Academic Programs), Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery & UWA Museums
8. And data entry clerk ...... Yours Truly
Those who followed procedings last year would know that for the Grand Finale, the panel expands to include many SL Art personalities, and for this new challenge, the expanded panel will include:
1. Sasun Steinbeck - Creator of the Art Galleries of SL list at http://sasun.info/ArtGalleriesofSL.aspx
2. Tayzia Abattoir (SL) Owner of The Oldest Virtual World Art Museum in SL, curator of the Aho Museum & Arts Simulacra on the NMC Campus and Relay For LIfe of SL Event Chair
3. Lumiere Noir (SL) - Creator of the Ivory Tower Library of Primitives
4. Dr. Phylis Johnson (RL) - Media Professor, Southern Illinois Uinversity, Author - Machinima: Aesthetics and Practice (a.k.a, Sonicity Fitzroy, SL Virtual Journalist)
5. Rowan Derryth (SL) - Art & Design Historian; Writer for Prim Perfect Publications
6. Persia Bravin (SL) - Journalist and Media Producer (SL newspapers, magazines, radio and television)
7 Dr Carmen Fies (RL) - Second Life Lead: University of Texas San Antonio & UTSA Artspace
8. Apollo Manga (SL) - examiner.com Writer & Novelist
9. Jordan Whitt (SL) - Editor in Chief, ICON Lifestyle Magazine
10. Mariposa Upshaw (SL) - Curator - Ventura Art & Jardine; Officer, Arts Council of Second Life
11. Saffia Widdershins (SL) - Owner and Editor of Prim Perfect Publications
12. Phillip Vought (SL) - Art Philanthropist & Founding Patron of UWA-BOSL Amphitheatre
13. Bohemian Ghost (SL) - Art Philanthropist & Owner of Summerland Estates
14. Ally Aeon (SL) - Founder Aeonia Artist Group, creator/owner of the art region Aeonia
15. Aino Baar (SL) - Owner of the Open This End Group
16. Apmel Goosson - Scandinavian Author/Publisher
Now for the winners. The winners will be announced in 1 minute intervals. We invite everyone to comment and congratulate the winners and for the winners to respond before the next announcement (and if they could please use the SHOUT function). Also prizes will be given immediately following the announcements, so if you have won, please do stay till the end of the announcements.
First the People's Choice Awards. For this, I always start off by thanking GeeJAnn Blackadder, who created this wonderful voting system for us. Its been working a treat since being set up, and greatly assists in the running of the People's Choice!
The People's Choice Award, where all of SL is invited to vote, carries a 1st ($L2,500) and a 2nd prize ($L1,000). More than a 1,000 votes/points were split across the the artworks
For the PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD, 2nd prize (L$1,000) goes to:
99% by Harter Fall
AND, in a close battle, the winner of the OCTOBER PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD (L$2,500) is:
Very strong in the voting for the People's Choice Award (and in no particular order) were:
Unplugged by Dudi, In Dreams by Blue Tsuki, Mirrow Worlds by Fae Varriale, Mourning Goya by London Junkers, The Fly-By-Night Eggs by Kobuk Farshore, The Kachinas by Fiona Blaylock, History of Falls by Anley Piers and Waiting for Theberge by London Junkers.
TWELVE Art Group Prizes of L$5,000 each have been awarded by the various judging panels for the OCTOBER Round of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge:
The Odyssey Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Fau Ferdinand, Joe Ellsmere & Lizsolo Mathilde goes to
AERO 1 by Simotron Aquila
The CARP Prize (L$5,000) whose focus is on scripting with a panel led by Velasquez Bonnetto & Josina Burgess goes to:
Said the panel, "The CARP Prizeis for best use of script and originality. It was again difficult because there were several works with a nice use of scripts. Idea (concept), artform, scripting, and possibilities of the script was for CARP a great joy to watch. CARP gives the prize to Razorz & Olga for their work with humor, interaction and build quality . .."
The SL Art Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Gleman Jun & Sunset Quinnell goes to:
2 group awards for RazorZ and Olga, means this work is the first one through to the Grand Finale for the October Round!
The UTSA Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Dr Carmen Fies goes to:
haveit almost didnt submit this, as he was preparing for the LEA FULL SIM ART Series, but in the final week decided to send in a preview, and good thing he did!
Next the joint Workhouse & Art Place d-o-o-b Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Astarte Haalan and Elfachfilm Vacirca goes to:
In discussing this work, the judges explained, "Both for great artistic merit and in a spirit of solidarity with the various Occupy movements in SL and around the world, Art Place d-oo-b and the Workhouse Gallery select I Got 99 Problems and the Rich Ain’t One, by Gfresh Botha, for their October award. Only our lackadaisical press corps could miss the irony of the title, as a giant fist shatters the US Bill of Rights and replaces it with a projection of the source of so much conflict, the Almighty Dollar. Like greed and envy, the dollar glows a putrid green, hanging above us, ominous, wraith-like in its haunting power. We agree—the rich are not the problem. But the concentration of wealth and power in the few, and the trampling of our rights and freedoms, the disregard of our security and well-being is. Keep your lousy dollar. We want our world back."
Don't you just love Eifa's descriptions. They deserve an award in and of themselves.
The BOSL Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Frolic Mills & Editorial Clarity goes to:
The Nordan Art Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Flora Nordenskiold goes to:
SMALL PIECE OF HELL, The Suicide Forest Infested by Harpias by Rebeca Bashly
Commenting on the work, the panel said, "This work is part of larger work named Inferno, which in turn is based on the first part of Dante Alighieri’s Fourteenth-Century poem, the Divine Comedy. The suicide forest is part of the seventh circle (Violence). The Suicide Forest Infested by Harpias consists of trees and two figures. Textures, shapes and composition are outstanding. The trees are gray and barren; their trunks firmly positioned in the ground and branches stretching to the sides like spears. The figures are gray as well; rib cages pronounced, birdlike legs and feet, feminine frozen faces and large wings. Watching this scene, one is overcome by the dread and beauty of it. There is a sense of having become part of a movie or perhaps a painting. Rebeca's work stands out to Nordan Art because she utilizes the highest level of craftmanship to express emotion and with it captures a sense of melancholy beauty, so rare. ."
The Pirats Prize: (L$5,000) with a panel led by Merlina Rokocoko & Newbab Zsigmond goes to:
99% by Harter Fall
The Tornado Gallery Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Taralyn Gravois goes to:
The S&S Gallery OFA Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by TheDove Rhode goes to:
Commenting on the work, the panel shared, "...something from a time of warm days and warm rays... rising up and moving forward... smiling along the way.... with careful balance, and a of mind full of expections ... nerves steady and eyes forward.. I stood and held a moment of splenor... the wall of blue... seas thunder ... Like a moment in time, once again I see the beauty..."
The project Z Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Zachh Cale goes to:
BLACK SHIRT by Misprint Thursday
The Phi Designs Prize (L$5,000) with a panel led by Ginger Alsop goes to:
BIG WINTER by Miso Susanowa
The Phi Designs panel had a difficult time with submissions this month because the quality made it very difficult to judge. 14 submissions were considered for the award, and the following 2 where also ranked very highly, "Flight to freedom" by Fae Varriale and "The Machine" by Cherry Manga.
Said one of the panel, "As a resident of Canada, there is a reality of the harshess of winter that those in warmer climates may appreciate but don't really understand. I could have been in that situation. It hits you when a piece reminds of you of what could have been. For me there was a coldness ... not in temperature, but in the desolation of what it meant. I felt sorry for a figure who seemed abandoned. It released a lot of emotion and nearly brought me to tears. For me that's what good art is. It's not the piece itself, but the what the piece says to you. To me, 'Big Winter' was 1st, nothing else really moved me the same way."
Next, the Curator's Choice award is chosen by FreeWee Ling:
The OCTOBER Curator's Choice Award (L$5,000) goes to:
HL'ADANIE by Corcosman Voom
In FreeWee's words::
Corcosman is one of those artists who never fail to intrigue me. His pieces often not obvious, They may seem simple at first glance, but if you take the time to really study them, you will often find there is much depth of thought behind them. I was curious about the title of this piece, so through some arcane Google searching I finally discovered that it is a Slovak word that means "search" or "seek". I couldn't just leave it at that, so I talked to the artist, I learned that this is a metaphorical piece -- the complex insect-like figure emerges from a simple prim base in a quest for understanding, the very literal apple being the archetypal symbol of the desire for knowledge, ... I'm glad I asked :)
Now for the Best Non-Scripted entry. The OCTOBER round had any number of works that could have taken first prize. The panel however had a responsibility to select a winner from this amazing collection of art, as the winner goes straight to the Grand Finale. And so, the OCTOBER winner of the Best Non-Scripted Entry is:
USED PIECES by Secret Rage
Remember I said the panel had a responsibility to select a winner? Well, we completely shirked our responsibility, but only due to the quality of the works. We have a joint winner for the Non-Scripted. And so, the OCTOBER winner of the Best Non-Scripted Entry ALSO is:
BUT WAIT! The responsibility shirking was complete in that we have a 3-WAY TIE for the Best Non-Scripted Artwork prize. And this to complete the list, the OCTOBER winner for the Non-Scripted Category is:
SMALL PIECE OF HELL, The Suicide Forest Infested by Harpias by Rebeca Bashly
Each work will receive L$2,000 (which is a little more than a straight split of the L$5,000 allocated for the Non-Scripted Prize)
Now for the top 3 Prizes. All of these works also go straight to the Grand Finale round. It's no fun at all choosing 3 works out of 99 from such a high quality round. We however did manage to get through the top 3 without any ties.
3rd Prize (L$5,000) for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge fo OCTOBER goes to:
99% by Harter Fall
If I'm not mistaken its only the 4th time a non-scripted piece has finished in the top 3. Was touch and go between this piece and the 2nd place winner.
Moving on, 2nd Prize (L$7,500) for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for OCTOBER is:
IN DREAMS by Blue Tsuki
A brilliant artwork that inspired Sophia Yates to create a machinima about it within 24 hours of it being set up at the UWA Gallery.
Now to the winner of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for OCTOBER, following in the footsteps of past champions Snubnose Genopeak, Glyph Graves, Atomic Gaffer, Fuschia Nightfire/Flivelwitz Alsop, Julez Odigaunt, FreeWee Ling, Bryn Oh, Nish Mip, Josina Burgess, Cherry Manga, Igor Ballyhoo, Suzanne Graves, Lea Supermarine/Jarapanda Snook, Ginger Alsop, Gleman Jun, Dusty Canning, L1aura Loire, Emilin Nakamori, Artistide Despres and paleillusion.
The final month adds a new name to that illustrious list! It is with great pleasure that we announce that the Winner of 1st Prize (L$10,000) for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge for OCTOBER 2011 is:
BLACK SHIRT - Misprint Thursday
This completes a remarkable sequence for Misprint, as her first piece this year won 3rd, her 2nd piece finished 2nd, and her final piece taking 1st at the final monthly round at UWA!
If anyone wants an NC with the full results, please IM myself or FreeWee Ling
Congratulations to all the winners and a big thank you to all the artists who have entered the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge across the year. We are officially receiving machinima for 10 days and a bit, and it closes on the 10th of November. If you are a machinimatographer, we hope to see some works from you, if your colleagues are machinimatographers, do work with them to showcase your work and those of others! Also, do remember the date for the grand finale round, which is 6am slt Sunday 11th December.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES (OCTOBER): Rebeca Bashly's 'Inferno'
The LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES, and 'little brother' UWA SKY SIM ART SERIES, kick off in October with Rebeca Bashly's 'Inferno' and jjccc Coronet's 'jjccc Art'
Rebeca Bashly's 'INFERNO'
Opening Date & Time: 6pm slt, Saturday 1st October
Nakoto Exonar's Machinima 'Inferno' on Rebeca's Build
Japanese Blogger Temi Sirbu on Inferno (Part II) Nakoto Exonar's Machinima 'Inferno' on Rebeca's Build
Japanese Blogger Temi Sirbu on Inferno (Part III)
Second Russia Blog on Inferno
Machinima by jjccc Coronet, 'The Hell of Rebeca Bashly'
Quan's Travelogues
I Derryth's Blog
Kara's Korner
Rosetta Ricci Flickr Photo Set of Inferno (200 images)
SL Newser Design Review
From Japan to SL
SL Newser
University of Texas at San Antonio Blog
Machinima By Sliennedunord on Inferno
Machinima By Zarrakan 'Dante's Inferno'
Machinima By MoanaLittleBoots 'Dante's Inferno'
Caledonian Journey Blog (Rhianon Jameson)
Honour McMillan's Blog
Fuzonacid Machinima
Cecil Hirvi Machinima 'A Placid Ocean of Uncertain Liberties'
The Karro Lean's Blog (French)
jjccc Coronet's 'jjccc Art'
Opening Date & Time: 7pm slt, Saturday, 1st October
jjccc Art a 'Featured Event' on the Linden Lab Destination Guide
On UWA Blog
Victoria Lennoire Review
TOXX News Site
Temi Sirbu on jjccc Coronet's Art
A NicoleX Moonwall Machinima of jjccc Coronet's Installation
Another NicoleX Moonwall Machinima of jjccc Coronet's Installation
Yet another NicoleX Moonwall Take on jjccc Coronet
In Rebeca's words, "If I wanted to do descriptions and explanations I would be a writer, but I am a builder and this text is generously provided by Flora Nordenskiold."
Rebeca Bashly’s work Inferno is a nine-level work based upon the nine circles of suffering described in the Inferno, the first part of Dante Alighieri’s Fourteenth-Century poem, the Divine Comedy. The nine circles of the Inferno (or Hell) are located within earth and are separated into three parts, representing three types of sin; self-indulgent sins (the first five circles), violent sins (circles six and seven) and malicious sins (circles eight and nine).
The journey starts off in the dark woods, where we first meet Virgil, the poet, who will guide us in our travels to the underworld and through the nine circles of hell. The grey, threatening seeming forest consists of barren trees, with suffering faces as an integral part of their trunks. On our journey, we will continue seeing Virgil, not only as a guide, but also a teleport, transporting us through the nine circles of hell. We eventually enter hell through the Gate of Hell, noting the inscription “abandon all hope” above the gate. The entrance is large and dark, lending a sense of doom.
The first circle, Limbo, is a region on the edge of hell and it is meant for those who did not accept Christ, in some sense it is a lesser form of Heaven. The stone castle with the seven gates, representing seven virtues, is large and dark. We enter from a bridge and then find ourselves standing in a yard, with a grass ground, in front of groups of white, translucent figures sitting on the grass in the dark; these are some of the great thinkers, wise men, scientists, poets and philosophers. Entering the castle, we first come across Homer and Socrates. As we continue, climbing winding stairs, we see other white, translucent figures, there is even a child in a closet at the bottom of the staircase.
The second circle, Lust, contains those led astray by lust; these are the first ones truly punished in hell. We find ourselves standing in a barren, moonlike landscape, on the edge of a large, deep hole, out of which a reddish, translucent whirlwind of faces appear. These faces seem to be in great agony and distress. Here we witness the conflict of love and lust and the tension between attraction and desire.
The third circle, Gluttony, is a space for those involved with self-indulgence and addiction. This is a gloomy place where people lie scattered in a brownish area containing vile slush and mud produced by a never-ending muddy rain. There is a sense of doom and darkness hovering over these people suffering in their own misery.
The fourth circle, Greed, contains two groups of those plagued by over-consumption; those who hoard and those who waste. We witness a struggle here; people pushing large, heavy balls in a barren, grey landscape. They seem to be going nowhere, yet appear to be investing an enormous amount of effort. There is no winner and it never ends. This is a place where people punish and insult each other, but without effect. This group is ultimately the most offensive to the spirit of love.
The fifth circle, Anger, is represented by those who can no longer find joy; those who express anger (wrath) and those who repress it (sullenness). We find here groups of deadly pale individuals covered in blood, biting off each others' flesh, clearly in agony and struggling. They are situated in the Stygian marsh, in the swamp-like water of the river Styx. There is a sense of intense frustration.
The sixth circle, Heresy, is a location where violent and malicious sins are punished. We find at the entrance to the ironclad walls of the city Dis three blood covered figures with threatening heads; these are the three furies. Once we pass them, we are inside the city, surrounded by people trapped in flaming tombs. We can see here Farinata, extending and towering out of his tomb and Cavalcante, who only lifts his head above the edge of his tomb.
The seventh circle, Violence, consists of three rings; outer, middle and inner. The outer ring represents violence against people and property; those staying there are punished, resulting in a river of blood. This ring is guarded by the violent Centaurs, men from the waist up with lower bodies of horses. The middle ring holds violence against self; these persons are living in a horrid forest. Harpies, foul creatures with the head of a woman and body of a bird, are perched in suicide trees. The inner ring symbolizes violence against God and nature; those situated there find themselves on barren sand ignited by sparks of fire.
The eight circle, Fraud, can be reached only by descending a vast cliff on the back of Geryon, a winged monster with mixed human, bestial and reptilian nature. Those guilty of deliberate evil are located in Malebolge (evil pockets), which in turn is divided into ten Bolgie, or ditches of stone, with bridges spanning the ditches. The ten bolgie contain seducers, flatterers, those committing simony, false prophets, corrupt politicians, hypocrites, thieves, fraudulent advisers, sowers of discord and various kinds of falsifiers.
The ninth circle, Treachery, contain those who have committed acts which involve betraying some kind of special relationship. We see these traitors being frozen in a green-blue, or teal, colored lake of ice known as Cocytus. Ice spikes surround them. In the very centre of Hell, condemned for committing the ultimate sin, personal treachery against God, is Satan. Satan presents with three faces (black, red and yellow), a large imposing figure, beating his six wings; this act is ultimately what causes the river Cocytus to freeze.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
MachinimUWA IV: Iono Allen's 'Virtual Love'
'Virtual Love', by Iono Allen features TROIS PETITS TOURS ET PUIS S'EN VA (Three little turns and it goes away) by Josiane Sorciere. This machinima is now part of MachinimUWA IV: Art of the Artists, which unites the powerhouses of virtual worlds, Artists and Machinimatographers!
In Iono's words, "Where virtual love can bring you... This machinima features "The Music box" (or "Three little turns and it goes away") by Josiane Sorciere, which won the 3rd Prize UWA 3D Open Art Challenge (March 2011 round) in Second Life®. Many thanks to Josiane, who shown again her huge skills in pupeteering, in modifying her piece for this machinima, with new great and highly expressive animations."
Entries to the L$300,000 MachinimUWA IV close on the 10th of November and looks for the creation of machinima featuring artworks that are part of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge.
'Virtual Love', by Iono Allen features TROIS PETITS TOURS ET PUIS S'EN VA (Three little turns and it goes away) by Josiane Sorciere. This machinima is now part of MachinimUWA IV: Art of the Artists, which unites the powerhouses of virtual worlds, Artists and Machinimatographers!
In Iono's words, "Where virtual love can bring you... This machinima features "The Music box" (or "Three little turns and it goes away") by Josiane Sorciere, which won the 3rd Prize UWA 3D Open Art Challenge (March 2011 round) in Second Life®. Many thanks to Josiane, who shown again her huge skills in pupeteering, in modifying her piece for this machinima, with new great and highly expressive animations."
Entries to the L$300,000 MachinimUWA IV close on the 10th of November and looks for the creation of machinima featuring artworks that are part of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge.
The stunning opening to the LEA FUL SIM ART SERIES, Rebeca Bashly's Inferno will be a hard act to follow. Great promise is shown here though with Tyrehl Byk's Catharsis... for the November month.
Tyrehl Byk's "Catharsis" is an immersive, 24 minute adventure ride into the curious, the irreverent, through the sublime, and back out the other side.
Using a specially scripted theater, Byk takes control of the audience's cameras and, (if Second Life is behaving well), synchronizes a sequence of scenes that rely heavily, but not exclusively on the use of particle effects to interpret a musical track including compositions in a variety of styles from contemporary to classical.
While it would be easier to simply create a machinima of the sequences, Byk has chosen to offer this process as performance art, in order to remove the idea of an unchanging linear experience that may be captured, commodified, and assimilated alone, and replace it with a shared, group experience that is never the same twice.
The nature of the Second Life construct informs the performance with its own curious continuity, supplemented by the qualities of the each audience member's viewing platform, viewer settings, and bandwidth connection to the internet. All of these combine to make each performance of the work unique, not just from an overall perspective, but for each and every participant.
Audience members are encouraged to arrive early and please, please, *PLEASE* remove all heavily scripted items before the program begins to make the experience as enjoyable as possible for everyone.
Premier performance: November 4th, 2011 6-PM SLT
Ongoing performance calendar may be found here: http://bit.ly/rOaEJb
Transport Station to the Event Horizon Theater SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/173/192/501
The stunning opening to the LEA FUL SIM ART SERIES, Rebeca Bashly's Inferno will be a hard act to follow. Great promise is shown here though with Tyrehl Byk's Catharsis... for the November month.
Tyrehl Byk's "Catharsis" is an immersive, 24 minute adventure ride into the curious, the irreverent, through the sublime, and back out the other side.
Using a specially scripted theater, Byk takes control of the audience's cameras and, (if Second Life is behaving well), synchronizes a sequence of scenes that rely heavily, but not exclusively on the use of particle effects to interpret a musical track including compositions in a variety of styles from contemporary to classical.
While it would be easier to simply create a machinima of the sequences, Byk has chosen to offer this process as performance art, in order to remove the idea of an unchanging linear experience that may be captured, commodified, and assimilated alone, and replace it with a shared, group experience that is never the same twice.
The nature of the Second Life construct informs the performance with its own curious continuity, supplemented by the qualities of the each audience member's viewing platform, viewer settings, and bandwidth connection to the internet. All of these combine to make each performance of the work unique, not just from an overall perspective, but for each and every participant.
Audience members are encouraged to arrive early and please, please, *PLEASE* remove all heavily scripted items before the program begins to make the experience as enjoyable as possible for everyone.
Premier performance: November 4th, 2011 6-PM SLT
Ongoing performance calendar may be found here: http://bit.ly/rOaEJb
Transport Station to the Event Horizon Theater SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/173/192/501
MachinimUWA IV: Persephone Requiem's 'In Search of Methusela'
'In Search of Methusela', by Persephone Requiem is the first ever machinima created by Persephone and it features artworks by Fuschia Nightfire, Chreey Manga and Miso Susanowa which were all part of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. This machinima is now part of MachinimUWA IV: Art of the Artists, which unites the powerhouses of virtual worlds, Artists and Machinimatographers!
Artworks Featured:
Big Winter - Miso Susanowa
The Machine - Cherry Manga
Gateway to Hell - Fuschia Nightfire
Entries to the L$300,000 MachinimUWA IV close on the 10th of November and looks for the creation of machinima featuring artworks that are part of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge.
'In Search of Methusela', by Persephone Requiem is the first ever machinima created by Persephone and it features artworks by Fuschia Nightfire, Chreey Manga and Miso Susanowa which were all part of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. This machinima is now part of MachinimUWA IV: Art of the Artists, which unites the powerhouses of virtual worlds, Artists and Machinimatographers!
Artworks Featured:
Big Winter - Miso Susanowa
The Machine - Cherry Manga
Gateway to Hell - Fuschia Nightfire
Entries to the L$300,000 MachinimUWA IV close on the 10th of November and looks for the creation of machinima featuring artworks that are part of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
MachinimUWA IV: Daki Aries' 'The Reality of Art'
Daki Aries' machinima features numerous artworks that have been part of the UWA Open Art Challenge across the year. This machinima is now part of MachinimUWA IV: Art of the Artists, which unites the powerhouses of virtual worlds, Artists and Machinimatographers!
Artists featured include:
Nish Mip
Ginger Alsop
Dusty Canning
Josiane Sorciere
Pumpkin Tripsa
Artistide Despres
Nexuno Thespian
Penelope Parx
Cherry Manga
Blunt Fhang
Fae Varriale
Mcarp Mavendorf
Ronin1 Shippe
Suzanne Graves
Gleman Jun
jjccc Coronet
Lea Supermarine & Jarapanda Snook
Rebeca Bashly
Entries to the L$300,000 MachinimUWA IV close on the 10th of November and looks for the creation of machinima featuring artworks that are part of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge.
Daki Aries' machinima features numerous artworks that have been part of the UWA Open Art Challenge across the year. This machinima is now part of MachinimUWA IV: Art of the Artists, which unites the powerhouses of virtual worlds, Artists and Machinimatographers!
Artists featured include:
Nish Mip
Ginger Alsop
Dusty Canning
Josiane Sorciere
Pumpkin Tripsa
Artistide Despres
Nexuno Thespian
Penelope Parx
Cherry Manga
Blunt Fhang
Fae Varriale
Mcarp Mavendorf
Ronin1 Shippe
Suzanne Graves
Gleman Jun
jjccc Coronet
Lea Supermarine & Jarapanda Snook
Rebeca Bashly
Entries to the L$300,000 MachinimUWA IV close on the 10th of November and looks for the creation of machinima featuring artworks that are part of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
MachinimUWA IV: Alessia Vegro (Demaya) - A Place In the World
Alessia Vegro's machinima features numerous artworks that have been featured in the UWA Open Art Challenge across the year, and even features UWA's iconic Winthrop Clock Tower & Sunken Gardens. This machinima is now part of MachinimUWA IV: Art of the Artists, which unites the powerhouses of virtual worlds, Artists and Machinimatographers!
Artworks featured include:
Fuschia Nightfire: Swallowed up by the Crowd
Anley Piers: Travel in the shadow of thecnology;
Artistide Despres: Une orde de cordes;
Typote Beck: The Minotaur of Carton
Lea Supermarine & Jarapanda Snook: The Rythm of the mood
Pixels Sideways: Omnipotent;
Nino Vichan: Hamlet-Alas poor Yorick;
Josina Burgess: Fly with the wind;
Sledge Roffo: Primscape Dream V4;
Romy Nayar: Fantasia en la sombra;
Scottius Polke: Dock spirit.
Cherry Manga: Il pleut ur mon coer
Entries to the L$300,000 MachinimUWA IV close on the 10th of November and looks for the creation of machinima featuring artworks that are part of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge.
Alessia Vegro's machinima features numerous artworks that have been featured in the UWA Open Art Challenge across the year, and even features UWA's iconic Winthrop Clock Tower & Sunken Gardens. This machinima is now part of MachinimUWA IV: Art of the Artists, which unites the powerhouses of virtual worlds, Artists and Machinimatographers!
Artworks featured include:
Fuschia Nightfire: Swallowed up by the Crowd
Anley Piers: Travel in the shadow of thecnology;
Artistide Despres: Une orde de cordes;
Typote Beck: The Minotaur of Carton
Lea Supermarine & Jarapanda Snook: The Rythm of the mood
Pixels Sideways: Omnipotent;
Nino Vichan: Hamlet-Alas poor Yorick;
Josina Burgess: Fly with the wind;
Sledge Roffo: Primscape Dream V4;
Romy Nayar: Fantasia en la sombra;
Scottius Polke: Dock spirit.
Cherry Manga: Il pleut ur mon coer
Entries to the L$300,000 MachinimUWA IV close on the 10th of November and looks for the creation of machinima featuring artworks that are part of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
People's Choice Vote @ UWA: FINAL MONTHLY Round
Come experience the 99 amazing entries for the October round of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. Choose your favorites for the People's Choice Awards.
VOTING ENDS Friday 28 October at 6:00PM SLT.
Vote for as many entries as you like, on a scale of 1 to 3. Note that ANY VOTE is a POSITIVE vote. If you don't like something, don't vote for it. It's important that you look at all the works and to vote for all the pieces that truly speak to you. You are, of course, welcome to encourage your friends to come see the show and to vote for their favorite pieces. But please don't ask them to just come and vote for yours. It's about the art, not the artist!
Blogs & New Sites on the October Round:
Soror Nishi Blog
Temi Sirbu Blog
Apmel Goosson Blog
jjccc Coronet's Machinima of the October Round + Others
Sophia Yates Machinima
Victoria Lennoire Review
Soda Lemondrop Machinima
jjccc Machinima
Penumbra Carter Machinima
SL Art Parks
Quans Travelogues
1 Alizarin Goldflake Seahorse Merry Go Round
2 Anley Piers History Of Falls
3 Araminta Kroitschov Moving Between Worlds
4 Artistide Despres Wizz-Pow-Blop
5 Artistide Despres Gyroscope
6 Asperix Asp Outer Life
7 Asterion Coen Russian nuclear strategic submarine Typhoon going to patrol
8 Bloo Ansar Peeping Pillar
9 Blue Tsuki In Dreams
10 briawinde Magic gentle spring
11 Cat Boccaccio The Dance of Two
12 ChapTer Kronfeld I Love You
13 ChapTer Kronfeld Fundamentals of All Primitive
14 Cherry Manga Fertility
15 Cherry Manga The Machine
16 Corcosman Voom Hl'adanie
17 Corcosman Voom Uhg & Two-Bit
18 Daco Monday Good night...
19 Daco Monday Riciclo
20 dudi Unplug
21 Dusty Canning Wheatfield Collection Exposed
22 Earl Dinkin A Toy Happy Face Saying Heal Yourself Spelled with Blocks
23 Eliza Wierwight Two of Three Uneasy Pieces, Part I
24 Eliza Wierwight Two of Three Uneasy Pieces, Part II
25 Fae Varriale Flight to freedom
26 Fae Varriale Mirror worlds
27 Faery Sola Cautionary Tale: Witches Workplace Health and Safety
28 fiona Blaylock The Kachinas
29 Fuschia Nightfire Gateway to Hell
30 Gfresh Botha I got 99 poblems & the rich aint one
31 Ginger Lorakeet Advice from a Caterpillar
32 Ginger Lorakeet Wonderland Hall
33 Giovanna Cerise Overlaps
34 Ha Imako Pieces (Abstract5 3D)
35 Ha Imako Look at me
36 Harter Fall 99%
37 Haveit Neox Second Libations Preview
38 Hypatia Pickens Flight and Follower
39 Jimmy Debruyere Yellow Cylinders
40 jjccc coronet spikey ball wasp edition
41 jjccc coronet Full on big bug
42 Kobuk Farshore The Fly-By-Night Eggs
43 LaPiscean Liberty Snow Globe
44 Leigh Quartz Flying Window of the Soul
45 Lilia Artis Still the Piper's Old Tune
46 Lollito Larkham Extract
47 London Junkers Waiting for Theberge
48 London Junkers Mourning Goya
49 Lovely Huntress Replica Spartan Ship Gold / Silver / Bronze
50 Lucignolo [coddax] slaves of the light
51 Lucignolo [coddax] lost help
52 Luna Metamorphia Pteradelphian
53 Luna Metamorphia Will You Be Next?
54 Miso Susanowa Big Winter
55 Misprint Thursday Black Shirt
56 Moeuhane Sandalwood Afternoon at Emerald 11
57 Moeuhane Sandalwood Set Sail in the Morning
58 nexuno thespian death dance
59 nexuno thespian Come into my mind
60 Nima Benoir Her Last Dance
61 Nino Vichan Deus Ex Machina
62 Nish Mip Within the waves
63 oona Eiren Hop-Scotch
64 Pixels Sideways You Amaze Me
65 Pol Baxton The journey
66 Pol Baxton The source of life
67 RAG Randt Natural Act
68 RazorZ The Fall of Fall
69 RazorZ & Olga Soulstar Judge this!
70 RazorZ & Olga Soulstar The Wild Wild World of Illusion
71 Rebeca Bashly Small piece of hell, The Suicide Forest infested by Harpias
72 Rebeca Bashly Minotaur & Centaurus from 7th circle of Hell
73 SaveMe Oh David of SaveMe
74 Sea Mizin Nesting Angels
75 Secret Rage My World
76 Secret Rage Used Pieces
77 Silene Christen The revolt of the mannequins
78 Simotron Aquila I circle round for a better view
79 Simotron Aquila Aero 1
80 Soda Lemondrop Minkowski Space
81 Solkide Auer Omnibus
82 soror Nishi The Pumpom Trees
83 Spiral Silverstar drawn to the dream
84 Spiral Silverstar spirit journey
85 spirit Radikal Many Moons
86 Thoth Jantzen TooMuchCaffeine2
87 Thoth Jantzen The Quantum Encabulator
88 Toughlove Sabra Salvation or..................
89 Typote Beck Fill the Mountain
90 tyu Shan Obje- Max
91 Ush Underwood Popeye the Sailor's Heritage
92 vasiliki Decosta NiGhtShaDes
93 Vixen Quandry Invisible Prison - 1 & 2
94 Vixen Quandry One Life's Line
95 Winter Ravenheart Water Lily
96 Wizard Gynoid Morphometrix
97 Yabusaka Loon Bloody Love
98 Yooma Mayo Ancient Moon
99 Zeno Ochs (FredX) My child
Come experience the 99 amazing entries for the October round of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. Choose your favorites for the People's Choice Awards.
VOTING ENDS Friday 28 October at 6:00PM SLT.
Vote for as many entries as you like, on a scale of 1 to 3. Note that ANY VOTE is a POSITIVE vote. If you don't like something, don't vote for it. It's important that you look at all the works and to vote for all the pieces that truly speak to you. You are, of course, welcome to encourage your friends to come see the show and to vote for their favorite pieces. But please don't ask them to just come and vote for yours. It's about the art, not the artist!
Blogs & New Sites on the October Round:
Soror Nishi Blog
Temi Sirbu Blog
Apmel Goosson Blog
jjccc Coronet's Machinima of the October Round + Others
Sophia Yates Machinima
Victoria Lennoire Review
Soda Lemondrop Machinima
jjccc Machinima
Penumbra Carter Machinima
SL Art Parks
Quans Travelogues
1 Alizarin Goldflake Seahorse Merry Go Round
2 Anley Piers History Of Falls
3 Araminta Kroitschov Moving Between Worlds
4 Artistide Despres Wizz-Pow-Blop
5 Artistide Despres Gyroscope
6 Asperix Asp Outer Life
7 Asterion Coen Russian nuclear strategic submarine Typhoon going to patrol
8 Bloo Ansar Peeping Pillar
9 Blue Tsuki In Dreams
10 briawinde Magic gentle spring
11 Cat Boccaccio The Dance of Two
12 ChapTer Kronfeld I Love You
13 ChapTer Kronfeld Fundamentals of All Primitive
14 Cherry Manga Fertility
15 Cherry Manga The Machine
16 Corcosman Voom Hl'adanie
17 Corcosman Voom Uhg & Two-Bit
18 Daco Monday Good night...
19 Daco Monday Riciclo
20 dudi Unplug
21 Dusty Canning Wheatfield Collection Exposed
22 Earl Dinkin A Toy Happy Face Saying Heal Yourself Spelled with Blocks
23 Eliza Wierwight Two of Three Uneasy Pieces, Part I
24 Eliza Wierwight Two of Three Uneasy Pieces, Part II
25 Fae Varriale Flight to freedom
26 Fae Varriale Mirror worlds
27 Faery Sola Cautionary Tale: Witches Workplace Health and Safety
28 fiona Blaylock The Kachinas
29 Fuschia Nightfire Gateway to Hell
30 Gfresh Botha I got 99 poblems & the rich aint one
31 Ginger Lorakeet Advice from a Caterpillar
32 Ginger Lorakeet Wonderland Hall
33 Giovanna Cerise Overlaps
34 Ha Imako Pieces (Abstract5 3D)
35 Ha Imako Look at me
36 Harter Fall 99%
37 Haveit Neox Second Libations Preview
38 Hypatia Pickens Flight and Follower
39 Jimmy Debruyere Yellow Cylinders
40 jjccc coronet spikey ball wasp edition
41 jjccc coronet Full on big bug
42 Kobuk Farshore The Fly-By-Night Eggs
43 LaPiscean Liberty Snow Globe
44 Leigh Quartz Flying Window of the Soul
45 Lilia Artis Still the Piper's Old Tune
46 Lollito Larkham Extract
47 London Junkers Waiting for Theberge
48 London Junkers Mourning Goya
49 Lovely Huntress Replica Spartan Ship Gold / Silver / Bronze
50 Lucignolo [coddax] slaves of the light
51 Lucignolo [coddax] lost help
52 Luna Metamorphia Pteradelphian
53 Luna Metamorphia Will You Be Next?
54 Miso Susanowa Big Winter
55 Misprint Thursday Black Shirt
56 Moeuhane Sandalwood Afternoon at Emerald 11
57 Moeuhane Sandalwood Set Sail in the Morning
58 nexuno thespian death dance
59 nexuno thespian Come into my mind
60 Nima Benoir Her Last Dance
61 Nino Vichan Deus Ex Machina
62 Nish Mip Within the waves
63 oona Eiren Hop-Scotch
64 Pixels Sideways You Amaze Me
65 Pol Baxton The journey
66 Pol Baxton The source of life
67 RAG Randt Natural Act
68 RazorZ The Fall of Fall
69 RazorZ & Olga Soulstar Judge this!
70 RazorZ & Olga Soulstar The Wild Wild World of Illusion
71 Rebeca Bashly Small piece of hell, The Suicide Forest infested by Harpias
72 Rebeca Bashly Minotaur & Centaurus from 7th circle of Hell
73 SaveMe Oh David of SaveMe
74 Sea Mizin Nesting Angels
75 Secret Rage My World
76 Secret Rage Used Pieces
77 Silene Christen The revolt of the mannequins
78 Simotron Aquila I circle round for a better view
79 Simotron Aquila Aero 1
80 Soda Lemondrop Minkowski Space
81 Solkide Auer Omnibus
82 soror Nishi The Pumpom Trees
83 Spiral Silverstar drawn to the dream
84 Spiral Silverstar spirit journey
85 spirit Radikal Many Moons
86 Thoth Jantzen TooMuchCaffeine2
87 Thoth Jantzen The Quantum Encabulator
88 Toughlove Sabra Salvation or..................
89 Typote Beck Fill the Mountain
90 tyu Shan Obje- Max
91 Ush Underwood Popeye the Sailor's Heritage
92 vasiliki Decosta NiGhtShaDes
93 Vixen Quandry Invisible Prison - 1 & 2
94 Vixen Quandry One Life's Line
95 Winter Ravenheart Water Lily
96 Wizard Gynoid Morphometrix
97 Yabusaka Loon Bloody Love
98 Yooma Mayo Ancient Moon
99 Zeno Ochs (FredX) My child
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