Metaverse Live #3 from Metaverse TV on Vimeo.
On the 22nd of November, Jayjay Zifanwe (Jay Jay Jegathesan, Manager, School of Physics UWA) was invited to a panel discussion on Metaverse TV live, hosted by Mal Burns & Dousa Dragonash where the conversation ranged from Facebook to Holodecks to Linden Endowment for the Arts and the UWA Art and Machinima challenges.
The 35 minute mark onwards is where the focus shifts to the upcoming Grand Finale of the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge and the winners announcements for MachinimUWA IV: Art of the Artists.
Actually, the show was also hosted by Sigmund Leominster, a point on information I just wanted to add so that readers were aware that Metaverse Live has a team approach ;) For those who missed the broadcast, I do recommend watching because it really IS an amazing feat that JayJay and his team have pulled off to create such an extraordinary event.